Christian Martin, a modest accountant in a large firm owned by Bertrand Barnier, surprises his boss by asking him for a 100% increase in his wages. Martin is on the point of proposing to a girl and doesn't want to ask for her hand in marriage while making a lowly accountant's salary. After Barnier refuses to give him the raise, Martin tells him that he's stolen more than sixty million francs from him by falsifying the firm's accounting records. When Barnier threatens to report this to the police, Martin points out that as a consequence of the fraud Barnier has now submitted false income statements to the tax office, a serious crime. Barnier has no choice but to give in to blackmail and he agrees to give Martin the raise and name him vice-president of the firm. Martin then reveals that the young woman whom he intends to marry is Barnier's daughter. In order to recover his sixty million francs, Barnier asks Martin to give back the stolen monies so that he can give them to his daughter as a wedding present. Barnier learns that Martin converted the sum into jewelry and the jewels are in a bank. He tells Martin to get the jewelry, but Martin refuses without a signed document from Barnier stating that he will give the jewelry to his daughter as a wedding present. Barnier agrees and Martin leaves for the bank. While Martin is gone, Barnier talks to his daughter Colette. Without mentioning Martin, he tells her that he's opposed to her marriage which causes her to break down and cry. On the advice of her maid Bernadette, Colette lies to her father and tells him that she's pregnant by her lover. Hearing this, Barnier decides to approve the marriage and give the sixty million francs/jewelry to Colette as a wedding present. After Barnier's talk with Colette a young woman named Jacqueline Bouillotte comes to see him. She tells Barnier that she's in love with Christian Martin and that she lied to him and told him that she was Barnier's daughter. Barnier realizes that this means that Martin is not in love with his daughter Colette. It also dawns on him that he won’t be able to get his sixty million francs back from Martin or his daughter since they won’t be getting married.
Der Industrielle Bertrand Barnier wird eines Morgens in seiner Villa von seinem Buchhalter Christian Martin besucht, der ihn um eine hohe Gehaltserhöhung bittet. Gleichzeitig gibt Martin zu, seinem Chef eine höhere Summe Geldes gestohlen zu haben, und bittet um die Hand dessen Tochter. Im Gegenzug verspricht Martin eine Steuerhinterziehung Barniers nicht öffentlich zu machen und das gestohlene Geld seiner Braut zur Hochzeit zu schenken. Barnier spricht seine Tochter Colette auf den Vorfall an, die über die Nachricht hocherfreut ist. Das Hausmädchen Bernadette gibt ihr den Tipp, eine Schwangerschaft vorzutäuschen. Daraufhin gibt der Vater seine Einwilligung zur Hochzeit. Wenig später taucht ein junges Mädchen namens Jacqueline Bouillon auf, die erklärt, Christian Martin zu lieben. Weiterhin behauptet sie, sich Martin gegenüber als Tochter des millionenschweren Unternehmers ausgegeben zu haben. Barnier wird von seiner Frau Germaine derweil informiert, dass es sich bei Colettes Geliebten um den ehemaligen Chauffeur Oscar handelt, der vor zwei Wochen gefeuert wurde. Auch das Hausmädchen Bernadette plant den Haushalt zu verlassen und einen Freund des Hauses, den Baron de la Putinière, zu heiraten. Als Martin wiederkommt, schlägt Barnier hinterlistig eine vertragliche Einigung vor: Martin bekennt sich als Vater von Colettes Kind, während das Geld als Mitgift in die Ehe einfließen soll. Als Abschluss dieses Abkommens bekommt Barnier das gestohlene Geld zurück in Form von Schmuck in einem Koffer, den er nun nicht mehr aus den Augen lässt.
DVD-R is in German with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 79 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!