SKU 5632 Availability TOTO AND PEPPINO DIVIDED IN BERLIN (1962) * with switchable English subtitles * Giorgio Bianchi Writers: Luigi Angelo (story), Sandro Continenza (dialogue) | 4 more credits » Stars: Totò, Peppino De Filippo, Nadia Sanders Be the first to review this product $13.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews Lured by the promise of big money offered to him by two Nazis, Toto la Puzza agrees to appear in an American court in West Berlin and impersonate a general, who's being tried for war crimes. Unfortunately, the Nazis promised the same amount of money to another poor fool, Peppino Paglialunga, to testify against Idiot Number One. It doesn't take long for the Americans to realize what they're dealing with and promptly release the two with a figurative kick in the rear. After being released, the two men head for East Berlin, where Russian security forces promptly put them under arrest. When they're found to be carrying a book, which Toto uses as an advisor to pick out lottery numbers, the Russians believe to have found a secret code book and order the two chumps to use the code to find the flight paths American spy planes are using to violate Soviet airspace. DVD-R is in Italian with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 95 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality! Be the first to review this product Related products BALDUIN DAS NACHTGESPENST (1968) * with switc... $13.99 DEATH IN THE RED JAGUAR (1968) $13.99 DEATH IS NIMBLE; DEATH IS QUICK (Kommissar X -... $9.99 DER GRAF VON MONTE CHRISTO (The Count of Monte... $14.99 DER LETZTE MOHIKANER (The Last Tomahawk) (196... $13.99 DON CAMILLO (1952) * available in Italian or... $13.99 É CADUTA UNA DONNA (A Woman Has Fallen) (1941)... $13.99 ERA NOTTE A ROMA (Escape by Night) (1960) * wi... $13.99 GIORNI DI GLORIA (Days of Glory) (1945) * with... $13.99 HERCULES IN THE CENTER OF THE EARTH (1961) *... $13.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought SIR ARNE'S TREASURE (1919) $13.99 THE BLONDE WITCH (La sorcière) (1956) * with h... $13.99 THE PHANTOM WAGON (La charrette fantôme) (1939)... $13.99 THERE'S ALWAYS A PRICE TAG (Retour de manivelle... $13.99 THE SIXTH (1981) * with switchable English an... $13.99 QUADRILLE (Štvorylka) (1955) * with switchab... $13.99 BORDELLO (1985) * with switchable English sub... $13.99 THE ASHES (Popioły) (1965) * with switchabl... $16.99 THE FARM IN THE SMALL MARSH (1976) * with swi... $13.99 LA GONDOLA DEL DIAVOLO (The Devil's Gondola)... $13.99 DAS MÄDCHEN VOM PFARRHOF (1955) $9.99 FEATHER YOUR NEST (1937) $13.99 THE PARTY CARD (1936) * with switchable Englis... $13.99 VOLGA-VOLGA (1938) (COLORIZED) * with switchab... $14.99 BEWARE OF THE CAR (1966) (Uncommon Thief) * w... $13.99 THREE EGGS IN A GLASS (1937) * with switchabl... $13.99 KIRMES (1960) * with or without switchable En... From $11.29 LIEB VATERLAND, MAGST RUHIG SEIN (1976) $9.99 DAS MÄDCHEN ROSEMARIE (1958) * with switchabl... $15.99 JEWISH LUCK (1925) * with hard-encoded Englis... $13.99 2 DVD SET: THE WHITE HELL OF PITZ PALU (1930)... $13.99 AMERICAN WARTIME NEWSREELS 04 (1943) $8.99 VERSPRICH MIR NICHTS (Don't Promise Me Anything... $13.99 DER VERLORENE (The Lost One) (1951) *with swit... $13.99 BARON PRASIL (1961) + THE PARSONs WIDOW (1920)... $13.99 < > Product tags Totò e Peppino divisi a Berlino (1)