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ALL MY COMPATRIOTS (Vsichni dobri rodaci) (19...
Directed by Vojtěch Jasný Written by Vojtěch J...

VODKAA, KOMISARIO PALMU (1969) * with switcha...
Directed by Matti Kassila Written by Matti Kas...

VIVERE IN PACE (To live in Peace) (1947) * w...
Directed by Luigi Zampa Written by Suso Cecchi...

SPRING IN A SMALL TOWN (1948) * with switchab...
Directed by Fei Mu Written by Li Tianji Wei W...

ADELHEID (1969) * with switchable English and...
Directed by František Vláčil Written by Vladim...

A MIDSUMMER DAY'S SMILE (Un suras în plina var...
Gen comedie Regizor Geo Saizescu Scenarist Du...

LA TRAMPA (The Trap) (1949) * with switchabl...
Zully Moreno as Paulina Figueroa George Rigaud...

LE JUPON ROUGE (Manuela's Loves) (The Red Skir...
Directed by Geneviève Lefebvre Writing Credit...

LENIN IN OCTOBER (1937) * with switchable Engl...
Boris Shchukin as Vladimir Lenin Nikolay Okhlo...

LENIN IN 1918 (1939) * with switchable Englis...
Boris Shchukin as Vladimir Lenin Mikheil Gelov...

Directed by Yoshitarô Nomura Writing Credits...

PRED MATURITOU (Before Graduation) (1932) *...
Directed by Svatopluk Innemann Vladislav Va...

U NAS V KOCOURKOVE (At Home in Korcoukov) (19...
Directed by Miroslav Cikán Written by Miroslav...

FUGA IN FRANCIA (Escape to France) (1948) *...
Directed by Mario Soldati Writing Credits (in...

A LIFE FOR A LIFE (Życie za życie) (1991) *...
Directed by Krzysztof Zanussi Writing Credits...

POEM OF THE SEA (1958) * with switchable Engl...
Yuliya Solntseva Writing Credits (in alphabetic...

FIVE FROM BARSKA STREET (Piątka z ulicy Barski...
Directed by Aleksander Ford Writing Credits (...

PACTO DIABOLICO (Diabolical Pact) (1969) * wit...
Directed by Jaime Salvador Writing Credits (i...

THE PASSENGER (Pasażerka) (1963) * with swit...
Directed by Andrzej Munk Witold Lesiewicz ....

LUCRECE BORGIA (1953) * with switchable Engli...
Directed by Christian-Jaque Writing Credits...