Artikelnummer 6520 Verfügbarkeit CUBAN LOVER (Kyûba no koibito) (1969) * with switchable English subtitles * Directed by Kazuo Kuroki Writing Credits (in alphabetical order) Hirohisa Abe Shiro Hasegawa Ichirô Katô Kazuo Kuroki Masahiko Tsugawa ... Akira Obdulia Plasencia ... Marcia Gloria Lee ... Gloria Armando Urbach ... Soldier Tatsumaro Asano ... producer Orlando de la Huerta ... producer Noriaki Tsuchimoto ... producer Geben Sie eine Produktbewertung ab. $14.99 Menge: In den Warenkorb Weitersagen Fragen zum Artikel? Zur Wunschliste hinzufügen DetailsVorliegende Bewertungen A Japanese sailor arrives in Cuba after a decade of a revolutionary process, willing to know the country and meet its people. He feels attracted to Marcia, a young Cuban girl, who willingly shows him her country and tells him about the years of terror that she experienced under Fulgencio Batista's regime, when her family was killed. But they will have to make a decision, when she feels more inclined to dedicate her life to the revolution than to the vacationing sailor. DVD-R is in Japanese and Spanish with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 97 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality! Geben Sie eine Produktbewertung ab. Ähnliche Produkte SOY CUBA (I am Cuba) (1964) * with switchable... $11.99 A PAGE OF MADNESS (Kurutta Ichipeiji) (1926)... $13.99 I LIVE IN FEAR (1955) * with switchable Engli... $13.99 THE FOUR DAYS OF SNOW AND BLOOD (226) (1989) *... $14.99 THE MOST BEAUTIFUL (1944) * with switchable E... $14.99 TOKYO CHORUS (1931) * with switchable English... $14.99 TWO FILM DVD: THE VICTORY OF WOMEN (Josei no... $14.99 VILLAGE OF EIGHT GRAVESTONES (1977) * with sw... $15.99 WARRING CLANS (Sengoku yarô) (1963) * with s... $13.99 WEDDING RING (Konyaku Yubiwa) (1950) * with... $13.99 < > Benutzer, die diesen Artikel gekauft haben, haben auch gekauft DOBU (Ditch) (1954) * with multiple switchab... $15.99 TWO WIVES (Tsuma futari) (1967) * with switc... $15.99 TWILIGHT SALOON (Tasogare Sakaba) (1955) * w... $14.99 LATE CHRYSANTHEMUMS (Bangiku) (1954) * with... $14.99 LE FRANCISCAIN DE BOURGES (The Franciscan of B... $14.99 FOR ONE CENT'S WORTH OF LOVE (Pour un sou d'am... $13.99 THE TOWER OF LUST (La Tour de Nesle) (1955)... $13.99 TWO FILM DVD: THE VICTORY OF WOMEN (Josei no... $14.99 EL RIO Y LA MUERTE (The River and Death) (195... $13.99 A QUEEN FOR CAESAR (1962) $9.99 2 DVD SET: KAMPF UM ROM (The Last Roman) (19... $23.99 THE FOUR DAYS OF SNOW AND BLOOD (226) (1989) *... $14.99 PILLS FOR AURELIA (Pigulki dla Aurelii) (1958... $13.99 WOLF (Okami) (1955) * with switchable Englis... $13.99 I EVEN MET HAPPY GYPSIES (1967) * with switcha... $13.99 JUDITH (1966) $13.99 DAURIYA (1972) * with switchable English and... $15.99 A TIME TO LOVE AND A TIME TO DIE (1958) * wit... $12.49 < >