Koreyoshi Kurahara’s ingeniously plotted, pocket-size noir concerns the intertwined fates of a desperate bank manager, blackmailed for cooking the books, and his resentful, but timid, underling, passed over for promotion.
DVD-R is in Japanese with hard-encoded English subtitles. Approx. 65 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!

A socially committed film about the feudal state of many Japanese women, which existed even into postwar Japan. Hiroko Hosokawa, a female lawyer, defends Mrs. Asakura, who suffocated her child in her grief, after her husband died penniless following an industrial accident. The prosecutor is Hiroko's sister's husband Kono, who also sent Hiroko's fiance, Yamaoka, to jail for his liberal views during the War. Yamaoka has just been freed, but is seriously ill from his time in prison.
DVD-R is in Japanese with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 81 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!