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Danish Films

ONCE UPON A TIME (Der var engang) (1922) * w...
Carl Theodor Dreyer Writers: Holger Drachmann...

QUIET DAYS IN CLICHY (Stille dage i Clichy) (19...
Paul Valjean ... Joey Wayne Rodda Wayne Rodda...

HÄXAN (1922) *with Danish and English intertit...
Benjamin Christensen, Elisabeth Christensen and...

VREDENS DAG (Day of Wrath) (1943) *with switch...
Carl Theodor Dreyer, Thorkild Roose, Lisbeth Mo...

MORDETS MELODI (Murder Melody) (1944) * with s...
Bodil Ipsen Writers: Fleming Lynge, Tavs Neii...

DER GANG IN DIE NACHT (Journey into the Night)...
F.W. Murnau Writers: Harriet Bloch (screenpla...

DE RODE ENGE (The Red Meadows) (1945) * with s...
Bodil Ipsen, Lau Lauritzen Writers: Leck Fisc...

THE END OF THE WORLD (Verdens Undergang) (1916)
August Blom Olaf Fønss ... Frank Stoll - Mine...

THE HILL PARK MYSTERY (Nedbrudte Nerver) (1923)
A.W. Sandberg Writer: Laurids Skands Olga B...

LEAVES FROM SATAN'S BOOK (Blade af Satans bog)...
Carl Theodor Dreyer (as Carl Th. Dreyer) Writ...

DER ROTE KREIS (The Crimson Circle) (1960) * w...
Harald Reinl Writers: Edgar Wallace (novel),...

DIE BANDE DES SCHRECKENS (The Terrible People)...
Harald Reinl (as Dr. Harald Reinl) Writers: E...

DER FROSCH MIT DER MASKE (1959) * with switchab...
Harald Reinl Writers: Edgar Wallace (novel), Eg...

DEN RODE KAPPE (Hagbard and Signe) (The Red Ma...
Gabriel Axel, Saxo Grammaticus Oleg Vidov ......

ATLANTIS (1913) * with switchable Spanish sub...
August Blom Writers: Axel Garde, Gerhart Haup...

Directed by Carl Theodor Dreyer Elith Pio as F...

DITTE, CHILD OF MAN (Ditte menneskebarn) (194...
Tove Maës as Ditte Karen Poulsen as the Grandm...

BLAENDVAERK (The Blinded) (1955) * with switc...
Mimi Heinrich ... Elvi Hansen Henrik Wiehe Hen...

NABOERNE (Neighbors) (1966) * with switchabl...
Ebbe Rode as Tandlæge Gormsen Hanne Borchseniu...

HAMSUN (1996) * with switchable English and S...
Max von Sydow ... Knut Hamsun Ghita Nørby Ghit...