SKU 3039 Availability DER VERLORENE SOHN (The Prodigal Son) (1934) * with switchable English subtitles * Luis Trenker Writers: Luis Trenker (novel), Reinhart Steinbicker, 2 more credits ยป Stars: Luis Trenker, Maria Andergast, Bertl Schultes (1) Add your review 5.0 1 $13.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews1 Heimatfilm von und mit Luis Trenker, der als Auswanderer der ihn einengenden Bergwelt entfliehen will und in New York feststellen muss, dass das Leben dort noch viel härter und unmenschlicher ist. Mit beeindruckenden Bildern lebt der Film vom Kontrast zwischen den Dolomiten und der Großstadt, deren Hochhäuser ihrerseits wie Berge in Szene gesetzt sind. Der Film endet mit einem Loblied auf die dörfliche Gemeinschaft, bei deren gemeinsamer Sonnwendfeier der ernüchterte Heimkehrer zu seiner vorübergehend verschmähten Dorfliebe zurückfindet. In this Heimatfilm, Luis Trenker plays a Bavarian wishing to flee the constrictive and provincial life of his Bavarian mountain village. He ends up fleeing to New York in the middle of the Great Depression and discovers city life to be brutal and inhuman. The contrast between the Alps and the big city is shown in the film's impressive scenes; especially those of the skyscrapers of Manhattan, which are filmed as if they were mountains of a different kind. The film ends as a paean to the village community. The disillusioned émigré returns to his mountain village during a solstice festival and finds his way back to the woman he left behind. DVD-R is in German with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 80 mins + 22 min. contemproary newsreel. Excellent, digital quality. der verlorene sohn, 3/15/2016 3:58 PM From: Guest ONE OF LUIS TRENKERS BEST FILMS.... PARTIALLY SHOT IN NYC DURING THE GREAT DEPRESSION.....THE CONTRAST BEWEEN CITY LIFE VS COUNTRY LIVING IS MADE ABUNDENTLY CLEAR ! THE GRASS MAY LOOK GREENER SOMETIMES ON SOMEONE ELSES TURF BUT BUT LOOK OUT.....IT AINT NECESSARILY SO AS THIS WONDERFUL FILM SO CLEARLY DEMONSTRATES.... GREAT CAMERA WORK THROUGHOUT THE MOUNTAIN/CITY SEQUENCES.... ....... A WINNER IN EVERY DEPARTMENT!!!!! Was this review helpful? 0 0 Related products BERGE IN FLAMMEN (Mountains on Fire) (1931) *... $14.99 DER SOHN DER WEISSEN BERGE (The Son of the Whit... $13.99 CONDOTTIERI (1937) * with switchable English... $13.99 DER BERG RUFT (1937) $11.29 DER FEUERTEUFEL (1940) $9.99 DER KAISER VON KALIFORNIEN (The Emperor of Cali... $13.99 THE LUIS TRENKER COLLECTION * with English sub... $59.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought DER KAISER VON KALIFORNIEN (The Emperor of Cali... $13.99 JUD SÜß (1940) * with switchable English subt... $17.99 GROSSE FREIHEIT NR. 7 (Port of Freedom) (1943)... $13.99 DER EWIGE JUDE (1940) *with switchable Englis... $17.99 ROBERT KOCH, DER BEKÄMPFER DES TODES (The Battl... From $12.99 DER ALTE UND DER JUNGE KÖNIG ( The Old and the... $13.99 VIKTOR UND VIKTORIA (1933) * with switchable... $14.99 CONDOTTIERI (1937) * with switchable English... $13.99 DIE GOLDENE STADT (1942) * with switchable En... $14.99 WUNSCHKONZERT (Request Concert) (1940) * with... $14.99 DER HERRSCHER (The Ruler) (1937) *with switcha... $9.99 TRIUMPH DES WILLENS (TRIUMPH OF THE WILL) (19... $14.99 WIENER BLUT (Vienna Blood) (1942) * with switc... $14.99 DER SOHN DER WEISSEN BERGE (The Son of the Whit... $13.99 DIE FEUERZANGENBOWLE (The Punch Bowl) (1944) *... From $13.99 IMMENSEE (1943) *with switchable English subtit... $13.99 LEINEN AUS IRLAND (Linen from Ireland) (1939)... $13.99 AMPHITRYON (1935) *with switchable English su... $13.99 DER ZERBROCHENE KRUG (The Broken Jug) (1937) *... $9.99 OPFERGANG (1944) * with improved, switchable E... $14.99 UNTER DEN BRÜCKEN (Under the Bridges) (1945) *... $15.49 DER CHORAL VON LEUTHEN ( The Hymn of Leuthen) (... $15.49 URLAUB AUF EHRENWORT (Furlough on Parole) (1938... $13.99 DIE DREI VON DER TANKSTELLE (The Three from the... $9.99 KAMERADSCHAFT (Comradeship) (1931) *with switc... $9.99 < > Product tags the prodigal son (1)