Hanni, die neue Kellnerin, verdreht allen Männern im Dorf den Kopf. Aufgewiegelt von der vermeintlich frommen und sittsamen Kramerswitwe, treten die Frauen in den Ehestreik. Doch die Männer lassen sich nicht davon abhalten, das Wirtshaus zu besuchen. Da alle mit Hanni tanzen wollen und diese bereitwillig mitmacht, rast der Wirt vor Eifersucht, denn er hat sich in seine hübsche Kellnerin verliebt. Da kommt heraus, dass die Kramerswitwe doch nicht so sittenstreng ist wie angenommen, und der Ehestreik wird beendet.
Hanni, the new waitress, turns the heads of all the men in the village. Incited by the supposedly virtuous and pious widow Kramer, the women of the village go on a marriage strike (i.e., no sex, no cooking, no cleaning ... no kidding). This, unfortunately, has little effect on the men, who continue to visit the inn where Hanni works. Since everyone wants to dance with Hanni and she's more than ready to do so (tramp), the innkeeper boils with jealousy, for he, too, is in love with the pretty waitress. Eventually, the news comes out that the widow Kramer isn't so virtuous as she's making herself out to be and the strike ends as quickly as it started.
DVD-R IS IN GERMAN WITH NO SUBTITLES (except for the Newsreel).
QUALITY (of feature film only):
· Pixellization? - minor
· Digital Quality? - no
· Sharp border features (edges of faces, buildings, etc.)? - yes
· Sharpness within the border features (inside the borders of the face, for example)? - soft, but distinct
· Snow, waviness, lines or any other distortions? - minor snow at times; minor dropouts; scratches
· Logos (if yes, de-logoing blur)? - de-logo blur
· Other notable issues? - slight synchronization deviation between picture and sound