SKU 809 Availability FEINDE (1940) Brigitte Horney, Willy Birgel and Reinhold Lütjohann (1) Add your review 4.0 1 $11.49 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews1 Im Mittelpunkt dieses Propagandafilms aus dem Jahr 1940 steht der deutsche Vorarbeiter Keith, der in einem polnischen Sägewerk nahe der deutschen Grenze arbeitet. Man schreibt das Jahr 1939 – der Krieg steht kurz bevor. Die polnischen Arbeiter des Werkes proben den Aufstand, ermorden den Besitzer und trachten auch ihren deutschen Kollegen nach dem Leben. Keith gelingt mit den Kindern seines toten Chefs die Flucht. Er stößt zu anderen deutschen Flüchtlingen, die sich einen Weg zur deutschen Grenze bahnen wollen. In the centre of this wartime propaganda film from 1940 is the foreman Keith, who works at a Polish sawmill, not far from the German border. It is 1939 and the War is fast approaching. The Polish workers at the sawmill revolt and kill the mill's German owner, as well as threaten their German colleagues. Keith flees with the children of his dead boss and joins other German refugees on their way to safety across the borders of the Reich. The film is incomplete (59 minutes). There is one part, where the actors are talking outside of an inn and then suddenly, they're inside the building. This is obviously where the film was clipped together; but except for that, unless you knew the exact length of the original, you probably would not suspect much was missing. It does not appear that the missing section takes much away from the film. THE DVD INCLUDES A NEWSREEL PREVIEW, JUST AS GERMAN AUDIENCES WOULD HAVE WATCHED BEFORE THE FEATURE FILM (though the newsreel may not be contemporary to the film itself). DVD-R IS IN GERMAN WITH NO SUBTITLES (except for the preview newsreel). APPROX. 103 MINS. ALTOGETHER. August 1939, 8/24/2023 4:27 AM From: Wolfie Pair this one with 'Heimkehr' for a movie evening spent just prior to WWII turning 'hot'.Speaking of hot, Brigitte Horney kind of reprises her role in 'Der Katzensteg' in this film. Was this review helpful? 0 0 Related products HEIMKEHR (1941) * improved picture quality * $10.99 FLÜCHTLINGE (1933) $9.99 MENSCHEN IM STURM (1941) * IMPROVED VIDEO * $11.29 < > Customers who bought this item also bought GEHEIMAKTE WB 1 (1942) $9.99 JAKKO (1941) $9.99 SPRUNG IN DEN ABGRUND (1933) $9.99 JUNGENS (1941) $9.99 DER HERRSCHER (The Ruler) (1937) *with switcha... $9.99 ANSCHLAG AUF BAKU (1942) $9.99 KRIMINALKOMMISSAR EYCK (1940) $9.99 DER GOUVERNEUR (1939) * IMPROVED VIDEO * $10.99 DREI UNTEROFFIZIERE (1939) $11.49 FASCHING (1939) $9.99 TOGGER (1937) $9.99 RITT IN DIE FREIHEIT (1937) * with or without... From $9.99 HENKER, FRAUEN UND SOLDATEN (1935) $9.99 DIE GOLDENE SPINNE (1943) $10.49 FLUCHT INS DUNKEL (1939) $9.99 AM ENDE DER WELT (1944) $9.99 DAS SCHLOß IM SÜDEN (1933) $9.99 DER GROSSE SCHATTEN (1942) $10.99 DER GASMANN (1941) $9.99 BLUTSBRÜDERSCHAFT (1941) $9.99 VERDACHT AUF URSULA (1939) $9.99 LIEBE, TOD UND TEUFEL (1934) $9.99 KOMÖDIANTEN (The Comedians) (1941) * with or w... From $9.99 DER MUTIGE SEEFAHRER (1935) $9.99 MÄDCHEN IM VORZIMMER (1940) $9.99 < >