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Artikelnummer 129

JUNGENS (1941)

Robert A. Stemmle, Albert Hehn, Hilde Sessak and Eduard Wandrey

The keywords for this film are comradeship and trust among the youth of a small village on the Baltic which is firmly under the control of an innkeeper, Ottokar Waschke.  Waschke owns the only tugboat in town, which the town's fishermen, who make up the majority of the employed, need to transport their catch.  So he forces them to sell their fish for a pittance, which Waschke then re-sells at an enormous profit.  In the meantime, a big-city teacher, Helmut Grundel, comes to the village and discovers Waschke's little game.  Grundel wants to form a collective, so that the fishermen can become independent from Waschke and this makes Waschke into a dangerous enemy.  When the young Heini, son of a dune-patrolman, discovers that canisters of liquour are being smuggled into Pommern under Waschke's watchful eye, Waschke threatens Heini, that he'll turn his father into the police, with the baseless accusation that daddy is behind the smuggling operation.  When they all discover, however, that they can trust each other, Grundel, his students, Heini and his father are able to band together to take down the real culprits.

NS-Film um Kameradschaft und Vertrauen in der Hitler-Jugend: Der fortschrittliche Lehrer und HJ-Führer Hellmut Gründel kommt in ein kleines Dorf an der Ostsee, das fest in der Hand des Gastwirts Ottokar Waschke ist. Waschke besitzt den einzigen Schlepper, mit dem die Fischer ihren Fang transportieren können. So zwingt er sie, ihm ihre Ware zu einem Spottpreis zu verkaufen und verkauft sie teuer weiter. Gründel regt die Gründung einer Genossenschaft an, mit der die Fischer sich von Waschke unabhängig machen, und macht sich damit Waschke zum Feind. Als der Junge Heini, Sohn des Dünenwächters Albert Faustmann, entdeckt, dass an der Küste Spritkanister geschmuggelt werden, droht Waschke ihm, seinen Vater an die Polizei zu verraten, der angeblich den Schmuggel organisiere. Aber als sie erkennen, dass sie einander vertrauen können, gelingt es Waschke, seinen Schülern, Heini und seinem Vater, den wahren Schuldigen dingfest zu machen.

The first five minutes of the film is not only of horrible quality, but has an obnoxious counter playing through the film on the bottom of the screen.  Then, suddenly, a different film source is melded to the picture and everything improves.  The quality varies from acceptable VHS quality at that point to moments of quite good picture.  Sound can use some improvement, but after almost 60 years, whose sound couldn't?

DVD-R is in German with no subtitles. Approx. 80 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!

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