Updated and improved as of November 2016, this revised disc includes subtitling which does not extend three lines without being split; tighter and cleaner translating; and some video improvements.
Our translations of Die Deutsche Wochenschau newsreels covering the events, mainly in Europe, from July through August 1941 (with three supplemental films included ... see description) with first hand film reports. Each part has variable film quality based on the original films it shows. Overall, we would say the quality would correspond to a range of well worn VHS to very good DVD quality. There may be some sound or picture issues on parts of the film.
- Fallschirmjager and Gebirgsjager return from Crete
- German and Finnish troops advance to the northern coast of Lake Ladoga
- German and Rumanian troops take Balti
- More civilian victims of the GPU turn up in Lemberg (Lwow)
- Advance on Kiew (Kyiv)
- The Germans take Smolensk
- Minsk after the battle
- Colonel Molders is decorated
- Rest and refreshment before the attack on the Stalin Line
- Advance on Ostrow and Pieskau
- Goering receives pilots awarded the Ritterkreuz for their work over Crete
- German Destroyers attack Soviet ships in the Barents Sea
- Overcoming Soviet resistance in Bessarabia
- Hungarian and Slovakian troops advance into the Ukraine
- The Germans cross the Dnepr
- The Germans take Polotsk and Vitebsk
- First air raids on Moscow
- Transport of volunteer Dutch, Croatian and Italians to the Eastern Front
- German and Rumanian troops in joint operations in Bessarabia
- Balti after its liberation from the Soviets
- Battle of Vinnitsa
- Mogilev is almost totally destroyed by the retreating Soviets
- Fighting for Smolensk
- The true picture of the Soviet Paradise
- A large rally of French volunteers against Bolshevism in Paris
- The first Flemish volunteers leave Brussels for the Eastern Front
- Danish volunteers take the oath in Hamburg
- The Fuhrer visits the headquarters of Army Group Centre
- German troops push towards the Gulf of Finland from Lake Paipus and Lake Ilmen
1935 – The 100th Anniversary Celebration of the German Railway (not translated)
1935 – 20 March newsreel (partially translated):
· Gertrud von Hindenburg christens the Tannenberg in Stettin
· One million German youth take part in the Reich‘s career competition
· Large train accident in London
· German fashion show success in London is re-enacted in Berlin
· A new world’s record is set for racing cars in Florida
· Universal military service is proclaimed
· Military march before Berlin’s Ehrendenkmal
1936 – Color film about the Reichshauptstadt in the year of the Olympic Games