Updated and improved as of December 2016, this revised disc includes subtitling which does not extend three lines without being split; tighter and cleaner translating; and some video improvements.
Our translations of Die Deutsche Wochenschau newsreels covering the events, mainly in Europe, from March to April 1942 (with a supplementary film from 1941 ... see description) with first hand film reports. Each part has variable film quality based on the original films it shows. Overall, we would say the quality would correspond to a range of well worn VHS to very good DVD quality. There may be some sound or picture issues on parts of the film.
- At a convalescent home for wounded soldiers in the Salzkammergut
- Women RAD workers help out Alpine villagers
- British raid on the civilian areas of Paris
- Naval artillery units respond to a British attempt to pass through the Straits of Dover
- At a construction wharf for U- Boats
- Netherlands Legion soldiers and supplies are sent to the Eastern Front from Baltic ports
- Finnish and German troops counterattack in the Lake Ladoga region
- JU 52 transport planes bring the forward units ammunition, food and fuel
- The Italian Navy leads a German supply convoy to the North African coast
- German bombers harass British columns east of Tobruk
- Memorial services for the victims of the British attack on Paris
- Heroes’ Memorial Day in Berlin
- Winter battles in the Donetz basin
- Memorial service for Dr. Bosch, a pioneer in the automotive industry
- Dr. Goebbels arrives in Graz to take part in the commemoration of the Anschluss
- Anschluss-memorial celebrations in Vienna
- Dynamite is used to extend trenches in frozen Russian positions near Leningrad
- The Spanish Blue Division digs emplacements for their artillery
- Soldiers of the Spanish Blue Division are decorated with the Iron Cross
- Tanks and ammunition are brought up to the Crimea for the Sevastopol siege
- Anti-partisan operations in the Crimean mountains
- Italian subhunters on duty in the Aegean
- Italian flak fires upon British bombers in Africa
- Afrika Korps troops are plagued by sandstorms
- German pioneers replace a blown up railway bridge in -35C weather on the Eastern Front
- German artillery continues to pound Leningrad
- Japanese officers pay a visit to a German airbase on Sicily
- Transport planes bring fresh troops to the front in Africa
- Generalfeldmarschall Kesselring inspects an air unit in the Libyan Desert
- Stuka attack on English trucks in the desert
- Germany celebrates the Day of the Wehrmacht
- British air attack on Lubeck
- Transport planes supply isolated frontline units in Russia
- Constant Soviet attacks against the Germans in the Donets region
- Bolshevik prisoners and civilians are compelled to shovel snow from the streets for supply columns
- German raiders wreak havoc in the Indian Ocean
- In a tank manufacturing plant
- Generalfeldmarschall Milch’s 50th birthday
- Hauptmann Philip is awarded the Ritterkreuz with Oak Leaves and Swords for his 100 air kills
- Spring finally arrives in the Crimea
- Fighting in Kerch
- On an Italian battleship in the Mediterranean
- The German and Italian navies take turns decorating each other’s men
- British destroyers attack an Italian guarded convoy on its way to Tripoli
A partial newsreel from 17 September 1941, which can be seen in volume 12 of the series, is once again presented here, because of a superior film quality version discovered after the fact. Nevertheless, even if it is “recently” repeated material, the change in bravado and attitude from just seven months before is very apparent in the re-watching of this film.