Nora, the wife of the architect Heinz Ottendorf, feels neglected by her husband. He is getting more and more engrossed in his work, but Nora, apparently a stranger to hard work, suspects that the real reason for her husband's diverted attention must naturally be another woman. Robert, the cousin of Nora's friend Marianne, has long been in love with Nora and sees an opportunity to win her hand. Heinz, for all his distractions in his work and the phantom lover he doesn't have, isn't quite ready to let Nora go. While he may be married to his work, his work is a fickle mistress: he makes a career error and this leads to near financial ruin. He begs Nora to be patient with him. Marianne, who for her part is in love with Heinz, spins a web of deceit and intrigue, which leads to Robert taking a potshot at Heinz and then eventually causing Robert to kill himself. In the meantime, Heinz has been wounded in the attack and this leads Nora to come to the conclusion that she belongs to her husband. Huh? Next time, just have a foursome and spare everyone the drama!
Nora, die Frau des Architekten Heinz Ottendorf, fühlt sich von ihrem Mann vernachlässigt. Er vertieft sich immer mehr in seine Arbeit, und Nora hat den Verdacht, dass er eine Affäre mit einer anderen Frau hat. Robert, der Vetter von Noras Freundin Marianne, ist schon lange in Nora verliebt und will sie für sich gewinnen. Doch Heinz ist nicht bereit, Nora aufzugeben. Er ist durch einen beruflichen Fehler in große finanzielle Schwierigkeiten geraten und bittet Nora um Geduld. Marianne, die ihrerseits in Heinz verliebt ist, spinnt eine Intrige, die dazu führt, dass Robert auf Heinz schießt und anschließend Selbstmord begeht. Heinz überlebt den Anschlag, und schließlich erkennt Nora, dass sie zu ihrem Mann gehört.