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Italienische Filme

BATTLE OF ALGIERS (1966) * with switchable En...
Gillo Pontecorvo; Brahim Hadjadj; Jean Martin;...

SEVEN SLAVES AGAINST ROME (1964) * with switc...
Michele Lupo Writers: Roberto Gianviti, Miche...

CYRANO DE BERGERAC (1923) * with switchable E...
Directed by Augusto Genina Writing Credits (i...

LUCRECE BORGIA (1953) * with switchable Engli...
Directed by Christian-Jaque Writing Credits...

FUGA IN FRANCIA (Escape to France) (1948) *...
Directed by Mario Soldati Writing Credits (in...

VIVERE IN PACE (To live in Peace) (1947) * w...
Directed by Luigi Zampa Written by Suso Cecchi...

THE MONSTER OF THE OPERA (Il mostro dell'opera...
Renato Polselli (story), Ernesto Gastaldi (sto...

HAWK OF THE CARIBBEAN (Lo sparviero dei Caraib...
Piero Regnoli Johnny Desmond ... Juan Rodrigo...

SENSO (1954) * with switchable English subtit...
Luchino Visconti (story), Suso Cecchi D'Amico (...

THE TROJAN HORSE (1961) * with German, Englis...
Giorgio Ferroni, Ugo Liberatore Steve Reeves...

THE DEMON (Il Demonio) (1963) * with switcha...
Brunello Rondi (story), Ugo Guerra (screenplay)...

Umberto Lenzi Writers: Gian Paolo Callegari...

ANNI DIFFICILI (Difficult Years) (1948) * wi...
Luigi Zampa Writers: Vitaliano Brancati (nove...

THE SEVENTH SWORD (La Sette Spade del Vendicat...
Brett Halsey Don Carlos di Bazan Jacopo Tec...

LES GRANGES BRULEES (The Burned Barns) (1973)...
Simone Signoret - Rose Cateux Alain Delon - Pi...

LIBERA AMORE MIO (Libera, My Love) (1975) *...
Claudia Cardinale as Libera Valente Bruno Ciri...

LLANTO POR UN BANDIDO (Weeping for a Bandit)...
Francisco Rabal – José María 'El Tempranillo'2...