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Jewish Life Before the Holocaust

DER GELBE SCHEIN (The Yellow Ticket) (The Devil...
Eugen Illés, Victor Janson, 1 more credit » Wr...

FIVE BRIDES (1929) * with switchable English...
Aleksandr Istomin Aleksandr Istomin ... Petli...

DIE GEZEICHNETEN (The Stigmatized) (1922) * wi...
Carl Theodor Dreyer Writers: Carl Theodor Dr...

UNCLE MOSES (1932) * with hard-encoded Englis...
Sidney M. Goldin, Aubrey Scotto Writers: Shol...

AMERICAN MATCHMAKER (1940) * with hard-encode...
Edgar G. Ulmer Writers: Gustav H. Heimo (stor...

TWO SISTERS (1938) * with hard-encoded Englis...
Ben K. Blake Writer: Samuel H. Cohen Stars:...

THE VOW (1937) * with hard-encoded English su...
Henryk Szaro Writers: Henryk Bojm (screenplay)...

THE YIDDISH KING LEAR (1935) * with hard-enco...
Harry Thomashefsky Writers: Abraham Armband, J...
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THE SINGING BLACKSMITH (Yankl Der Schmid) (1938...
Edgar G. Ulmer, Ben-Zvi Baratoff Writers: Da...