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Judaica / Holocaust Films

GOD, MAN AND THE DEVIL (1949) * with hard-enc...
Joseph Seiden Writers: Izidor Frankel, Jacob...

OSTATNI ETAP (The Last Stage) (1947) * with sw...
Wanda Jakubowska Writers: Wanda Jakubowska,...

THE SINGING BLACKSMITH (Yankl Der Schmid) (1938...
Edgar G. Ulmer, Ben-Zvi Baratoff Writers: Da...

Zbynek Brynych Writers: Milan Nejedlý (techni...

UNCLE MOSES (1932) * with hard-encoded Englis...
Sidney M. Goldin, Aubrey Scotto Writers: Shol...

AMERICAN MATCHMAKER (1940) * with hard-encode...
Edgar G. Ulmer Writers: Gustav H. Heimo (stor...

EAST AND WEST (1923) (Mezrach und Maarev, Ost...
Ivan Abramson, Sidney M. Goldin Writers: Sidn...

TWO SISTERS (1938) * with hard-encoded Englis...
Ben K. Blake Writer: Samuel H. Cohen Stars:...

THE VOW (1937) * with hard-encoded English su...
Henryk Szaro Writers: Henryk Bojm (screenplay)...

THE YIDDISH KING LEAR (1935) * with hard-enco...
Harry Thomashefsky Writers: Abraham Armband, J...
% $9.99

A LIFE FOR A LIFE (Życie za życie) (1991) *...
Directed by Krzysztof Zanussi Writing Credits...

SLING BOY (Práče) (1960) * with switchable E...
Michal Koblic ... Frantisek Bures (aka Práce)...

BERLIN - JERUSALEM (1989) * with switchable En...
Amos Gitai, Gudie Lawaetz Lisa Kreuzer ... El...

SPRINGTIME IN BUDAPEST (Budapesti Tavasz) (195...
Félix Máriássy Writers: Ferenc Karinthy (nove...

UNSETTLED LAND (Once We Were Dreamers) (1987)...
Directed by Uri Barbash Screenplay by Benny Ba...

THE YELLOW TICKET (1931) * with hard-encoded...
Raoul Walsh Writers: Michael Morton (play), J...