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Artikelnummer 374

JUNGE ADLER (1944) * improved film quality *

Willy Fritsch, Herbert Hübner and Gerta Böttcher, Alfred Weidenmann

FILM SAMPLE FROM OLD PRINT  (Prior to 09 May 2016):

FILM SAMPLE FROM NEW PRINT  (As of 09 May 2016):

FILM SAMPLE FROM OLD PRINT  (Prior to 09 May 2016):

FILM SAMPLE FROM NEW PRINT  (As of 09 May 2016):

Director Brakke has good reason to be happy:  he has just received the news that his son, Theo, won first place in the local boat race.  To be sure, he had forbidden his son to take part in the competition, because the son's grades in school are substandard.  In the end, Brakke sees no other way than to pull Theo from school and install him as an apprentice in his airplane manufacturing plant.  Although Theo is received by the other 150 apprentices in a friendly fashion, he behaves in an arrogant and disrespectful tone towards them.  He feels himself to be better than them, because his father is the director of the factory.

Eigentlich hätte Direktor Brakke Grund zur Freude. Soeben erhält er die Nachricht, dass sein Sohn Theo bei der örtlichen Ruderregatta den ersten Platz errungen hat. Allerdings hatte Brakke seinem Sohn die Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung verboten, da die schulischen Leistungen des Jungen alles andere als zufriedenstellend sind. Schließlich sieht Brakke keinen anderen Weg mehr, als Theo von der Schule zu nehmen und als Lehrling in seinem Flugzeugwerk unterzubringen.   

DVD-R is in German with no subtitles.  Approx. 101 mins. See film sample for quality!

FILM SAMPLE FROM OLD PRINT  (Prior to 09 May 2016):

play button

FILM SAMPLE FROM NEW PRINT  (As of 09 May 2016):

play button