Artikelnummer 89

TITANIC (1943) * with switchable English subtitles *

Sybille Schmitz, Hans Nielsen and Kirsten Heiberg

Film über die bekannteste Schiffskatastrophe des 20. Jahrhunderts. Um die Aktienkurse seines Unternehmens in die Höhe zu treiben, veranlasst der Präsident der Schifffahrtslinie, Sir Ismay, seinen Kapitän, die Fahrt von London nach New York in Rekordzeit zu bewältigen, ungeachtet der Gefahren durch das mit Eisbergen durchzogene Nordmeer. Während dadurch alle Reisenden in Gefahr schweben, spielen sich an Bord zahlreiche große und kleine Dramen ab. Da ist zum Beispiel die junge Dänin Sigrid Oole, die zu Unrecht zu sagenhaftem Reichtum gelangt ist. Oder Lord und Lady Astor, die sich als geschäftliche Gegenspieler Ismays entpuppen. Weiterhin gibt es noch den deutschen Gelehrten Bergmann, ein Auswandererehepaar und eine kleine Maniküre – sie alle werden sich ungeahnten Situationen gegenüber sehen, und die Katastrophe wird das wahre Gesicht eines jeden zum Vorschein bringen.

Not the campy soap opera film with Leonardo, but a rather more gritty German version, which, by the way, seems to have had some story lines stolen directly from it and put into the most recent production by Hollywood.  Not the best film to watch if you're trying to reaffirm your belief in all that is good with human nature, but entertaining, nonetheless. The film itself was banned in Germany during the War, because the scenes of panic and terror were thought to be "too close to home" as Allied planes were slowly making Germany's cities into heaps of rubble.  After the War, it was once more banned -- this time by the victorious Allies -- because of the not-too-subtle suggestion that the British owner's financial interests in having the ship recklessly speed from England directly caused the deaths of 1500 persons on board.  To add to the film's historical bad luck, it should also be added that the film's director was arrested, because he was overheard making derogatory comments about the Wehrmacht.  Having refused to withdraw his comments, he was thrown into prison, where he promptly hanged himself rather than face Gestapo interrogation. Most memorable moment:  after the ship's crew has loaded up all the oh-so-few lifeboats with some of the passengers, the captain shouts down from the bridge to the sailors standing with the remaining passengers, "People!  You have done your duty; now save yourselves, whoever can!" and causes an immediate heartwrenching panic among those who have been left behind on the sinking ship.


85 minutes long.

Region Free  (can play in any DVD player).