SKU 4223 Availability NINE DAYS OF ONE YEAR (1962) * with hard-encoded English subtitles * Aleksey Batalov as Dmitri Gusev, nuclear physicist Innokenty Smoktunovsky as Ilya Kulikov, nuclear physicist Tatyana Lavrova as Lyolya Nikolai Plotnikov as professor Sintsov Sergei Blinnikov as Paul D. Butov, director of the Institute Yevgeniy Yevstigneyev as Nikolai Ivanovich, physicist Mikhail Kozakov as Valery Ivanovich, physicist Valentin Nikulin as young physicist Pavel Shpringfeld as physicist Aleksandr Pelevin as physicist Yevgeni Teterin as professor Pokrovsky (surgeon) Nikolai Sergeyev as Gusev's Father Ada Vojtsik as Maria Tikhonovna, Sintsov's wife Valentina Belyayeva as doctor Igor Yasulovich as Fedorov, physicist Lyusyena Ovchinnikova as Nura, Gusev's younger sister Be the first to review this product $14.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews Two young physicists and old friends — the possessed experimental physicist Dmitri Gusev and the skeptical theoretical physicist Ilya Kulikov — conduct nuclear studies at a research institute in Siberia. Dmitri leads the research started by his teacher Sintsov, who has received a deadly dose of radiation as a result of an experiment. Dmitri has also been irradiated. Doctors warn him that further irradiation might kill him as well. Meanwhile, his friend Ilya and Lyolya, a love interest of Dmitri, have developed a romantic relationship. The enamored couple is getting prepared for the wedding and looking for an opportunity to inform Dmitri. When they finally meet, Dmitri already suspects Lyolya and Ilya and treats them coldly. Caught up in self-contradictions, Lyolya tries to understand Dmitri's true feelings for her, only to learn the terrible diagnosis. Realizing that she still loves Dmitri, Lyolya cancels the wedding to Ilya in order to marry Dmitri. DVD-R is in Russian with hard-encoded English subtitles. Approx. 108 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality! Be the first to review this product Customers who bought this item also bought THE WHITE PLAGUE (Bílá nemoc) (1937) * with... $15.99 THE DANCING GIRL OF IZU (1933) * with switcha... $13.99 TWO FILM DVD: BENNIE THE HOWL (1926) + THE... $21.99 TWO FILM DVD: THE DOLL WITH MILLIONS (1928)... $13.99 DOLINA ISSY (The Issa Valley) (1982) * with... $14.99 UN'AVVENTURA DI SALVATOR ROSA (An Adventure of... $15.99 LE PASSAGE DU RHIN (The Crossing of the Rhine)... $13.99 LAC AUX DAMES (Ladies' Lake) (1934) * with s... $15.99 CRIME AND PUNISHMENT (Crime et Chatiment) (19... $15.99 THE GREEN MARE (La Jument verte) (1959) * wi... $15.99 TWO FILM DVD: THE PASSION PLAY (1903) + A M... $14.99 TWO FILM DVD: MIDNIGHT CLUB (1933) + THE SQ... $17.99 TWO FILM DVD: THE STRUGGLE (1931) + THE WHI... $14.99 EINE NACHT IN VENEDIG (1953) $9.99 CARNIVAL NIGHT (1956) * with hard-encoded Eng... $13.99 ES WAR EINMAL EIN WALZER (Cafe Vienes) (1932)... $9.99 TEMPEST (La Tempesta) (1958) $12.99 DAS SPINNENNETZ (The Spider's Web) (1989) *... $15.99 TWO FILM DVD: THE YELLOW TICKET (Earth in Capt... $13.99 DIE TRAPP FAMILIE IN AMERIKA (1958) * with sw... $14.99 ICH LIEBE ALLE FRAUEN (1935) $10.99 DAS DREIMÄDERLHAUS (1958) * with switchable E... $13.99 DER TRÄUMENDE MUND (Dreaming Lips) (1932) *wit... $14.99 WIENER MÄDELN (1945) * with or without switch... From $14.99 MORGENROT (1933) * with switchable English sub... $15.99 < > Product tags Devyat dney odnogo goda (1)