Artikelnummer 5579 Verfügbarkeit STERNE (Stars) (1959) * with switchable English subtitles * Paul May Writer: Viktor Tourjansky (as Arnaldo Genoino) Stars: Freddy Quinn, Grit Boettcher, Vittoria Prada (1) Ihre Bewertung hinzufügen 5.0 1 $13.99 Menge: In den Warenkorb Weitersagen Fragen zum Artikel? Zur Wunschliste hinzufügen DetailsVorliegende Bewertungen1 Bulgaria, 1943: A trainload of Greek Jews bound for Auschwitz-Birkenau makes a stop at a town in southwest Bulgaria. The passengers are unloaded and placed into a school, which has been converted into a temporary transit camp. Passing the barbed-wire fence around the school, a Wehrmacht NCO, Walter, meets a young Jewess named Ruth and unwisely falls in love with her. His friend, Lieutenant Kurt, who runs the camp, decides to throw a little party and has the girl brought to the revelry. There, Walter has the chance to speak with her. Having grown indifferent to the suffering of others, his desire for Ruth awakens unexpected emotions in him and he soon comes to think differently about the war he's a part of. It isn't long before Walter is making contact with the Resistance in Bulgaria in an effort to prevent Ruth's eventual deportation to the gas chambers. 1943 lernt der deutsche Wehrmachtsunteroffizier Walter in einer bulgarischen Stadt die griechische Jüdin Ruth kennen, die gemeinsam mit anderen Juden nach Auschwitz deportiert werden soll. Durch Ruth beginnt Walter, ernsthaft über die Geschehnisse um ihn herum und den Faschismus nachzudenken. Er nimmt Kontakt mit bulgarischen Widerständskämpfern auf, um Ruth die Flucht zu ermöglichen. DVD-R is in German with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 87 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality! STERNE, 10.07.2019 11:07 Von: Gast a great film and very difficult to find...touching love story amidst the horror of Jewish transport trains during the Holocaust. War die Bewertung hilfreich? 0 0 Ähnliche Produkte 6 DVD SET: THE HOLOCAUST COLLECTION $59.99 AN UNS GLAUBT GOTT NICHT MEHR (God Does Not Bel... $13.99 ANGRY HARVEST (Bittere Ernte) (1985) * with sw... $14.99 AUS EINEM DEUTSCHEN LEBEN (Death Is My Trade) (... $14.99 DAS BOOT IST VOLL (1981) * with switchable E... $13.99 DER RAT DER GÖTTER (The Council of the Gods) (1... $13.99 DIE WANNSEEKONFERENZ (1984) * with hard-encod... $13.99 DISTANT JOURNEY (1950) * with switchable Engl... $13.99 KAPO (1960) * with Italian or dubbed English... $13.99 LANG IST DER WEG (1948) * with hard-encoded E... $13.99 < > Benutzer, die diesen Artikel gekauft haben, haben auch gekauft OSTATNI ETAP (The Last Stage) (1947) * with sw... $13.99 IN JENEN TAGEN (In Those Days) (1947) * with s... $13.99 AN UNS GLAUBT GOTT NICHT MEHR (God Does Not Bel... $13.99 DIE LETZTE BRÜCKE (The Last Bridge) (1954) * w... $9.99 ICH WAR NEUNZEHN (1968) * with switchable Eng... $13.99 NACKT UNTER WÖLFEN (Naked Among Wolves) (1963)... $13.99 MY WAY HOME (Így jöttem) (1965) * with switcha... $13.99 GROSSE FREIHEIT NR. 7 (Port of Freedom) (1943)... $13.99 WIR MACHEN MUSIK (We Make Music) (1942) * with... $14.99 ZAKAZANE PIOSENKI (1946) (Forbidden Songs) *... $15.99 HIMMEL OHNE STERNE (Sky Without Stars) (1956)... $9.99 LA LIGNE DE DEMARCATION (1966) * with switcha... $13.99 NACHTS AUF DEN STRASSEN (Nights on the Road) (1... $13.99 EIN MÄDCHEN AUS FLANDERN (1955) $11.29 SOMEWHERE IN EUROPE (1948) * with hard-encod... $13.99 DER AUFENTHALT (The Turning Point) (1983) * wi... $13.99 FILM OHNE TITEL (Film without a Title) (1948)... $13.99 BIZALOM (Confidence) (1980) * with switchabl... $13.99 MEXICAN FANTASY (1930) + VAMPYR (1932) $13.99 DER SCHRITT VOM WEGE (The False Step) (1939) *... $13.99 WESTERPLATTE (1967) *improved video and impr... $13.99 3 DVD SET: AUSTRIA AND THE ANSCHLUSS 1938 (20... $35.49 DER GRAF VON MONTE CHRISTO (The Count of Monte... $14.99 LIEBLING DER GÖTTER (Darling of the Gods) (1930... $13.99 DON QUIXOTE (1957) *with switchable multiple... $13.99 < > Tags stars (1)