Pendant la seconde Guerre mondiale, sous l'occupation allemande, la ligne de démarcation coupe en deux un village du Jura. Un officier de l'armée française, Pierre, comte de Damville, prisonnier de guerre, blessé en 1940, libéré par les Allemands, revient chez lui. Mais son château est utilisé par l'occupant comme siège de la Kommandantur locale. Pierre est résigné à devoir cohabiter avec les Allemands, dans l'inaction, ce que refuse courageusement sa femme, Mary, anglaise naturalisée française par son mariage, qui a rejoint les rangs de la Résistance. Mais la Gestapo intervient dans la région à la recherche de deux parachutistes : un agent secret anglais et un agent de la France libre. Les résistants locaux s'emploient à leur faire passer la ligne de démarcation, tandis qu'ils cherchent à exécuter un passeur véreux ayant abandonné une famille juive aux nazis ...
During the German occupation of France in the Second World War, the line of demarcation between occupied France and the Vichy-controlled unoccupied zone runs through the village of Jura. An officer of the former French Army --- Pierre, Earl of Damville --- taken prisoner by the Germans in 1940, is released by the Germans and returns home. His castle, however, is being used by the occupiers as the seat of their local headquarters. Pierre's resigned to having to live with the Germans and to passively resist them. This, however, doesn't work for Mary, his wife, an Englishwoman naturalized French by marriage, who has joined the ranks of the Resistance. However, a search for two fugitive Allied airmen has drawn the Gestapo to the town and the local Resistance members are trying to get them across the line, while, simultaneously, dealing with a rogue smuggler, who's abandoned Jewish refugees to their fate at the hands of the Nazis.
DVD-R is in French with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 115 mins. + a 2 min. contemporary newsreel.