During the war in Indochina, a French pilot, Pierre, suffers from amnesia after a war-time accident in which he might have killed a young Vietnamese girl while crash-landing his stricken plane. His nurse, Madeleine, lives with him in a low-key, but potentially romantic relationship. When Pierre sees Cybèle, a young girl in distress, as her obviously loveless father is dropping her off at an orphanage, he befriends her. Each of the two is lonely, childlike, and in need of a supportive friend. Eventually, he pretends to be the girl's father, which allows her to escape the locked orphanage for a day, and he shares every one of his Sundays with her for months. Pierre conceals his friendship with Cybèle from Madeleine, but she eventually finds out, and tells Bernard, a doctor who has a romantic interest in her. Bernard assumes the girl to be in danger, and notifies the police, who adopt the same assumption.
Pierre, un ancien pilote de guerre, est devenu amnésique à la suite d'un accident d'avion en Indochine et ne parvient pas à se réintégrer au monde. Madeleine, l'infirmière qui l'a recueilli, lui consacre toute sa vie et son amour de femme seule. Un jour, en l'accompagnant à la gare de Ville-d'Avray (actuels Hauts-de-Seine), Pierre rencontre Françoise, dix ans, qui a perdu sa mère et que son père ramène dans une pension de religieuses. Alors que Pierre veut rapporter au pensionnat une sacoche oubliée par son père, les religieuses le prennent alors pour ce dernier et pensent qu'il vient chercher la fillette pour la journée. Il part donc avec elle et les deux se prennent d'amitié.
DVD-R is in French with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 110 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!