A petty criminal, aged 22, attractive Yvette is caught after robbing a watchmaker's shop with a toy pistol and knocking down his old wife. To defend her, she asks for André Gobillot, a leading member of the Paris bar. Telling him she has no money to pay him, she lifts her skirt to show him her goods. Accepting the deal, he arranges a false witness and after getting her acquitted, instals her in a small hotel. His childless wife, Viviane, realises what is happening, but hopes the improbable affair will not last. Knowing nothing about the girl, Gobillot has first to wean her off drink and drugs. He also doesn't know that she is still entertaining her current lover, an impoverished medical student called Mazetti. As Gobillot's obsession grows, his wife gets more alarmed and an enquiry is opened into his bribing the witness who lied.
En 1957 à Paris, la belle, naïve et immorale Yvette Maudet, 22 ans, qui se prostitue occasionnellement, assomme l'épouse d'un horloger qu'elle tente de dévaliser. Me André Gobillot, avocat quinquagénaire, accepte de la défendre et, séduit par sa sensualité, en tombe amoureux. Grâce à un faux témoignage, il obtient son acquittement. Il entame alors une liaison avec elle, l'installe et l'entretient, ne peut plus se passer d'elle. Mais Yvette aime en cachette un jeune étudiant en médecine, jaloux et possessif, qui vit misérablement et paie ses études en travaillant dans une usine. Gobillot est soupçonné d'avoir payé le faux témoin ; sa carrière est menacée.
DVD-R is in French with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 116 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!