SKU 3825 Availability THE MURDERERS CLUB OF BROOKLYN (Der Mörderclub von Brooklyn) (1967) * with switchable English subtitles * George Nader as Jerry Cotton Heinz Weiss as Phil Decker Helmut Förnbacher as Bryan Dyers Karel Štěpánek as Dyers Helga Anders as Edna Cormick Helmut Kircher as Burnie Johnson Heinz Reincke as Sam Helmuth Rudolph as Mr. Johnson Dagmar Lassander as Jean Dyers Wolfgang Weiser as Harry Long Be the first to review this product $15.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews New York banker Mr. Dyers is giving a party, to which FBI men Jerry Cotton and Phil Decker have been invited. The rich banker informs both men, that he and his friends --- Mr. Johnson and Mr. Cormick --- have received threatening letters. The unknown blackmailer demands a million dollars from each of them: if they don't pay, their children will be kidnapped. And, in fact, armed gangsters raid the party. But, thanks to a misunderstanding, instead of Dyers' daughter, the thugs take her friend Sally Chester. When the crooks discover their mistake, they cold-bloodedly kill the young hostage. And although Cotton and Decker post their best men to watch Dyers' villa, his daughter Jean is also grabbed by the unscrupulous kidnappers. Der New Yorker Bankier Dyers veranstaltet eine Party, zu der auch die FBI-Männer Jerry Cotton und Phil Decker eingeladen sind. Der millionenschwere Gastgeber informiert die beiden Beamten über Drohbriefe, die er und seine Freunde Mr. Johnson und Mr. Cormick erhalten haben. Die unbekannten Erpresser fordern von jedem eine Million US-Dollar – bei Nicht-Zahlung würden die Töchter oder Söhne der Herren entführt. Tatsächlich erscheinen auf der Feier bewaffnete Gangster und überfallen die Anwesenden. Durch ein Missverständnis wird statt Jean, der Tochter von Dyers, jedoch deren Freundin Sally Chester entführt. Als die Verbrecher ihren Irrtum bemerken, wird das junge Mädchen kaltblütig ermordet. Obwohl Decker und Cotton die besten Männer vom Department Kidnapping vor der Villa Dyers postieren, wird auch Dyers Tochter Jean auf mysteriöse Weise Opfer der skrupellosen Bande. DVD-R is in German with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 89 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality! Be the first to review this product Customers who bought this item also bought DANGER HAS TWO FACES (1967) $15.99 ZAKLETE REWIRY (Hotel Pacific) (1975) * with... $14.99 NUR DER WIND (1961) $9.99 THE ELUSIVE AVENGERS (1966) * with hard-encod... $13.99 SHE WALKS BY NIGHT (1959) $15.99 THE THIRD PART OF THE NIGHT (Trzecia czesc noc... $14.99 DAS STUNDENHOTEL VON ST. PAULI (Hotel by the Ho... $13.99 FAREWELLS (Pożegnania) (1958) * with switcha... $13.99 2 DVD SET: IM WEISSEN RÖSSL (The White Horse I... $23.99 É CADUTA UNA DONNA (A Woman Has Fallen) (1941)... $13.99 DAS MÄDCHEN ROSEMARIE (1958) * with switchabl... $15.99 WWII GERMANY IN COLOR (PART II) $9.99 LE SILENCE DE LA MER (1949) * with switchable... $13.99 WWII GERMANY IN COLOR (PART III) $9.99 WWII GERMANY IN COLOR + MÄNNER IM HINTERGRUND... $9.99 < >