In 9th century BC, in the future land of Israel, the prophet Elijah advises King Ahab not to marry Jezebel, an idolatrous princess of Phoenicia. Ahab sends for Jezebel, however, and commands Jehu, his captain, to escort her caravan safely to Jezreel. Once Jehu meets Jezebel, he immediately becomes attracted to her and she confuses him for Ahab. Jezebel finally arrives at Jezreel and is greeted by Ahab who, stunned by her beauty, provides her with an individual chamber until they marry. On her wedding night, Jezebel evades Ahab and pursues Jehu, whom she seduces. Jezebel establishes the cult of Baal, her idol, and builds a temple. Jehovah, the God of the Israelites, delivers drought upon the Jews, because of the idolatry and sends his prophet Elijah to reprimand the people.
DVD-R is in English with no subtitles. Approx. 74 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!

Captain Kyle Cameron, a Canadian serving with the 11th Lancers at Peshawar on the North-West Frontier, is reprimanded by his superiors for offending Afghan leader Ishak Khan and is forced to apologize. Cameron still suspects Khan of being in league with the Russians who are attempting to stir up trouble in the Khyber Pass region. Cameron is tricked into sending some men, including his rival for the general's daughter to their deaths. He deliberately gets himself dismissed from the service so that he can infiltrate the Khan's forces and seek revenge.
DVD-R is in English with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 71 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!