L'histoire d'une famille française, les Froment, à travers quatre générations et au cours d'une période secouée par trois guerres contre l'Allemagne. Des trois enfants d'un homme qui en 1871 donna sa vie pour son pays, l'un a continué la lignée des patriotes, l'autre a été un bâtisseur d'empire, la fille s'est consacrée au bien. Pourtant tous ne sont pas des héros.
This is the story of a French family, the Froments, who, over four generations, experienced three wars against the Boche. The patriarch of the family, who gave his life in the struggle against the Prussians in 1871, had three children: one continued to carry out his patriotic legacy; another was an empire builder; and the third child, a girl, devoted herself to the welfare of others. But not all of them are heroes.
The remastered version of this film seems to have found an additional (and really unnecessary) 36 minutes; but unless you're a die-hard Julien Duvivier fan, this 77 minute version (as originally shown) will be just fine.
DVD-R is in French with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 77 mins. + an 8 min. contemporary newsreel.