Julie Cavendish comes from a family of great Broadway actors. Her mother, Fanny, staunchly continues acting. Her boisterous brother, Tony, is fleeing a breach of promise suit in Hollywood. Her daughter, Gwen, must decide between going on stage or settling down in a conventional marriage. Julie is just thinking that it would be nice to retire and get married, when who should turn up but her old beau, Gilmore Marshal, the platinum magnate from South America.
DVD-R is in English with no subtitles. Approx. 80 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!

The Stack family of New York City has fallen on difficult financial times. Pa Stack squandered the family's money by buying a home in Newhall, California, hoping there would be oil on the land. Taxes are now due on the California home which is scheduled to be sold to cover taxes. When breadwinner Mary Ellen Stack loses her job, the family decides to pay the taxes and live in their California home. They sell their furniture and use the money to buy a Tourist brand car, complete with rubber tires. Before they leave, Pa tells Bill James, a former boyfriend of Mary Ellen, that they are moving to California and Bill decides to follow them in his own car. When one of the family's car's tires goes flat, Bill catches up with the family and helps them. Along the way, the family picks up a handsome actor who is trying to come to California to further his career. The Tourist Motor Car Company wants to use the first Tourist brand car ever made in an ad campaign, and launches a search to find it, complete with a $10,000 reward. The man who sold the car to the Stack family learns of the reward, tracks down the Stacks, and offers them $200 for it.
DVD-R is in English with no subtitles. Approx. 51 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!