SKU 200 Availability BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN (1925) + MOSKVA (1927) *with English subtitles* Sergei M. Eisenstein, Aleksandr Antonov, Vladimir Barsky and Grigori Aleksandrov (1) Add your review 5.0 1 $13.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews1 THE BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN (1925): The Battleship Potemkin (Russian: Bronyenosyets Potyomkin) is a 1925 silent film, directed by Sergei Eisenstein and produced by Mosfilm. It presents a dramatised version of the Battleship Potemkin uprising that occurred in 1905 when the crew of a Russian battleship rebelled against their oppressive officers of the Tsarist regime. Eisenstein wrote the film as a revolutionary propaganda film, but also used it to test his theories of "montage". The revolutionary Soviet filmmakers of the Kuleshov school of filmmaking were experimenting with the effect of film editing on audiences, and Eisenstein attempted to edit the film in such a way as to produce the greatest emotional response, so that the viewer would feel sympathy for the rebellious sailors of the Battleship Potemkin and hatred for their cruel overlords. In the manner of most propaganda, the characterization is simple, so that the audience could clearly see with whom they should sympathize. Eisenstein's experiment was a mixed success; he "was disappointed when Potemkin failed to attract masses of viewers", but the film was also released in a number of international venues, where audiences responded more positively. In both the Soviet Union and overseas, the film shocked audiences, but not so much for its political statements as for its use of violence, which was considered graphic by the standards of the time. The film's potential to influence political thought through emotional response was noted by Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, who called Potemkin "a marvellous film without equal in the cinema ... anyone who had no firm political conviction could become a Bolshevik after seeing the film." (75 mins. Overall, in very good quality. Silent film with English subtitles). MOSKVA (1927): Wonderful, silent documentary, portraying life in Moscow and its suburbs during the 10th year since the 1917 Revolution in the former Czarist Russia. Unlike some of the propaganda films commemorating the anniversary (some of which we have for sale), some of the scenes of daily life shown in this film show aspects of life in Bolshevik Moscow, which would have created a far different, negative effect on some audiences than the director (Mikhail Kaufman) and the censors intended. Unfortunately, no English subtitles and quite a bit of the film is not in the sharpest quality; but for documentary interest and a look at life as it REALLY was in 1920s USSR, you can't beat this film. (58 mins. In very good quality. Silent film with Russian subtitles). DVD-R IS APPROX. 133 MINS. REGION FREE. Potemkin, 6/6/2021 11:33 AM From: indian One of best silent films ever made. Scenes from this film has been copied again and again. While watching it I forget it was even silent ! 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