SKU 1617 Availability ZVENIGORA (1928) * with switchable English subtitles * Georgi Astafyev, Nikolai Nademsky and Vladimir Uralsky, Aleksandr Dovzhenko Be the first to review this product $13.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews Alexander Dovzhenko’s mythopoetic rhapsody, from 1928, follows an ageless grandfather in his centuries-long quest to unearth buried treasure, symbolizing Ukrainian identity, which lies hidden in the “ringing mountain” of the title. Dovzhenko’s vast, fantastic view of history—running from the Cossacks’ primeval clashes with Poles hiding in trees through the redemptive industrialization of the Bolshevik regime—may suggest the Soviet-style lockstep of progress, but his visionary hysteria hints at immutable depths of the soul. Dovzhenko depicts such ardent figures as a crazed monk who looms over the embattled forests, maidens at their riverside rite, and two grandsons with divergent paths (the ineffectual nationalist and the rationalist revolutionary) with a spontaneous sympathy for their diverse forms of zealotry. His wide array of attention-grabbing devices, including double exposures, watery reflections, subliminally rapid-fire editing, and stark, high-contrast graphics, conjure a world of fantasy and ecstasy unfathomed by the stiffly arrayed ranks of revolutionaries who make their dutiful appearance. A magical finale of whizbang theatrics and modernist irony is far more ambivalent than the overseers imagined. DVD-R is in Russian with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 90 mins. See film sample for audio and visual quality! Be the first to review this product Related products IVAN (1932) * with switchable English subtitl... $13.99 DESTINY OF A MAN (Fate of a Man) (1959) *with... $13.99 FATHER OF A SOLDIER (1964) + ENTHUSIASM: DONBA... $14.99 MAN WITH A MOVIE CAMERA (1929) + A 6TH PART OF... $9.99 QUE VIVA MEXICO (1933) * with switchable Engl... $9.99 COMMISSARS (Komissary) (1971) * with switchable... $13.99 OCTOBER: TEN DAYS THAT SHOOK THE WORLD (Oktyabr... $13.99 THE LOST LETTER (1972) * with switchable Engl... $13.99 2 DVD SET: MEN AND BEASTS (1962) * with swit... $19.99 3 DVD SET: THE GORKY TRILOGY (1938 - 1940) *w... $35.99 THREE FILMS on 2 DVDs SET: ALEXANDER NEVSKY (O... $18.99 BY THE BLUEST OF SEAS (U Samovo Sinyevo Morya)... $13.99 CHAPAYEV (Chapaev) (1934) *with English subti... $13.99 TRAKTORISTY (Tractor Drivers) (1939) * with sw... $13.99 THE WHITE BIRD MARKED WITH BLACK (1971) * wit... $13.99 DVA DNYA (1927) * with switchable English sub... $12.99 A SPRING FOR THE THIRSTY (1965) * with switch... $13.99 2 DVD SET: NAPOLEON (1927) $26.99 UKRAINIAN RHAPSODY (1961) * with switchable... $13.99 A DREAM (1964) * with switchable English subt... $13.99 BOUNTIFUL SUMMER (1951) * with switchable Eng... $13.99 BREAD (1929) + ANNA KARENINA (1918) * with... $13.99 2 DVD SET: DIE NIBELUNGEN (1924) * with Engli... $21.99 2 DVD SET: THE INDIAN TOMB - PARTS I & II (1921) $24.99 TWO FILM DVD: AELITA - THE QUEEN OF MARS (192... $16.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought SUMKA DIPKURYERA (The Diplomatic Pouch) (1927)... $13.99 WEGE IM ZWIELICHT (Paths in Twilight) (1948) *... $14.99 DVA DNYA (1927) * with switchable English sub... $12.99 DER APFEL IST AB (The Original Sin) (1948) * w... $13.99 BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN (1925) + MOSKVA (1927... $13.99 THE HOUSE OF ROTHSCHILD (1934) + MAYERLING (1... $12.99 OCTOBER: TEN DAYS THAT SHOOK THE WORLD (Oktyabr... $13.99 DAS LIED IST AUS (The Song Is Ended) (1930) *... $9.99 FATHER SERGIUS (1917) + OKRAINA (1934) * with... $13.99 DREYFUS (1930) *with switchable English subtitl... $14.99 CHAPAYEV (Chapaev) (1934) *with English subti... $13.99 THE WIND (1928) * with hard-encoded English an... $11.49 AMPHITRYON (1935) *with switchable English su... $13.99 BARON PRASIL (1940) / SIREN OF ATLANITS (1949) $13.99 SCHWARZE ROSEN (Black Roses) (1935) * with swi... $13.99 STALIN: MAN OF STEEL $9.99 THE FORTY-FIRST (1956) * with switchable Engli... $13.99 DIE TAUSEND AUGEN DES DR. MABUSE (The Thousand... $13.99 WALZERKRIEG (The Battle of the Walzes) (1933)... $13.99 ZU NEUEN UFERN (To New Shores) (1937) *with sw... $13.99 2 DVD SET: AND QUIET FLOWS THE DON (1957) *... $18.99 WILHELM TELL (1923) * with English intertitles * $9.99 HOT SNOW (1974) * with switchable English su... $13.99 MEIN LEBEN FÜR IRLAND (My Life for Ireland) (19... $13.99 THE ELEVENTH YEAR (1928) * with switchable En... $13.99 < >