SKU 3035 Availability BABY RYAZANSKIE (Village of Sin) (1927) * with switchable English subtitles * Ivan Pravov, Olga Preobrazhenskaya Writers: Boris Altshuler, Olga Vishnevskaya Stars: Kuzma Yastrebitsky, Olga Narbekova, Yelena Maksimova Be the first to review this product $13.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews Village of Sin (aka Baby ryazanskie) was one of several Soviet films of the 1920s, which pointed out the hypocritical behavior of "the older generation." Chafing under the domination of her puritanical father, the heroine goes to live with her blacksmith lover, whereupon she's immediately disowned. Meanwhile, the father arranges a loveless, but wealthy, marriage for his son. Left alone with his new daughter-in-law, the father rapes the girl -- and when she bears his child, he refuses to acknowledge the baby is his. The father's unreasonable behavior drives his own wife to suicide and it's only after his son returns from WWI, that the old man is forced to account for his miserable behavior. DVD-R is a silent film with French intertitles and switchable English subtitles. Approx. 68 mins. + a 21 min. contemporary newsreel. See film sample for quality! Be the first to review this product Related products BY THE LAW (1926) + MOTHER (1926) *with Englis... $9.99 FATHER SERGIUS (1917) + OKRAINA (1934) * with... $13.99 THE ROAD TO LIFE (1931) *with switchable Engl... $13.99 TWO FILM DVD: AELITA - THE QUEEN OF MARS (192... $16.99 BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN (1925) + MOSKVA (1927... $13.99 BORIS GODUNOV (1954) * with hard-encoded Eng... $13.99 BY THE BLUEST OF SEAS (U Samovo Sinyevo Morya)... $13.99 CHAPAYEV (Chapaev) (1934) *with English subti... $13.99 DON DIEGO I PELAGEYA (1928) * with switchable... $13.99 DON QUIXOTE (1957) *with switchable multiple... $13.99 DVA DNYA (1927) * with switchable English sub... $12.99 MAN WITH A MOVIE CAMERA (1929) + A 6TH PART OF... $9.99 OCTOBER: TEN DAYS THAT SHOOK THE WORLD (Oktyabr... $13.99 STORM OVER ASIA (1928) * with English interti... $13.99 SUMKA DIPKURYERA (The Diplomatic Pouch) (1927)... $13.99 BED AND SOFA (1927) $13.99 THE FORTY-FIRST (1956) * with switchable Engli... $13.99 THE FORTY-FIRST (1927) * with switchable Engl... $13.99 2 DVD SET: DERSU UZALA (1961/1975) * with sw... $24.99 2 DVD SET: MEN AND BEASTS (1962) * with swit... $19.99 2 DVD SET: THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV (1969) * w... $22.99 3 DVD SET: THE GORKY TRILOGY (1938 - 1940) *w... $35.99 A BAD JOKE (Skvernyy anekdot) (1966) * with... $13.99 A DREAM (1964) * with switchable English subt... $13.99 A SPRING FOR THE THIRSTY (1965) * with switch... $13.99 AGONY (1981) * with switchable English subtit... $13.99 2 DVD SET: WHITE BIM BLACK EAR (1977) * with... $27.99 KOMUNARIS CHIBUKHI (The Communard’s Pipe) (192... $13.99 PROSTITUTKA (Prostitute) (1926) * with hard-en... $13.99 LIEUTENANT KIZHE (1934) * with switchable Eng... $13.99 2 DVD SET: NAPOLEON (1927) $26.99 BERLIN: SYMPHONY OF A GREAT CITY (1927) + KI... $10.99 DER BETTLER VOM KÖLNER DOM (The Beggar of Colog... $15.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought THE NEW BABYLON (1929) * with hard-encoded En... $13.99 FATHER SERGIUS (1917) + OKRAINA (1934) * with... $13.99 BISMARCK (1940) * with switchable English and... $13.99 THE MAN FROM THE RESTAURANT (1927) * with swi... $9.99 BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN (1925) + MOSKVA (1927... $13.99 WUNDER DER SCHÖPFUNG (Our Heavenly Bodies) (192... $13.99 ABWEGE (The Devious Path) (1928) * with switch... $13.99 BREAD (1929) + ANNA KARENINA (1918) * with... $13.99 DURCH DIE WÜSTE (Across the Desert) (1935) (Kar... $13.99 O CANGACEIRO (1953) * with improved switchab... $13.99 DREYFUS (1930) *with switchable English subtitl... $14.99 ZOLUSHKA (Cinderella) (1947) * with switchable... $13.99 CHAPAYEV (Chapaev) (1934) *with English subti... $13.99 FAUST (1926) * with English subtitles * $10.99 DIE UNBEKANNTE (The Unknown) (1936) * with swi... $13.99 DIE TOCHTER IHRER EXZELLENZ (1934) * with swit... $13.99 DANTON (1931) * with switchable English subti... $13.99 MAXIM's YOUTH (Yunost Maksima) (1934) *with sw... $13.99 SCHWARZER JÄGER JOHANNA (Der Spion des Kaisers)... $10.99 STALIN: MAN OF STEEL $9.99 DER REBELL (1932) * with or without switchabl... From $11.99 DESTINY (1921) + MIKAEL (1924) *with Engli... $13.99 LUDWIG DER ZWEITE, KÖNIG VON BAYERN (Ludwig II,... $14.99 KOZIJAT ROG (The Goat Horn) (1972) * with sw... $13.99 LADY WINDERMERES FÄCHER (Lady Windermere's Fan)... $14.29 < > Product tags sünde (8) , the peasant women of Ryazan (1) , women of ryazan (1) , Riazan (1) , the village of sin (1) , das dorf der sunde (1) , riasan (1) , die frauen von riasan (1) , le village du peche (1) , péché (1) , the devil's plaything (1)