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British Films

FASCINATION (1931) *with switchable English s...
Miles Mander Writers: Eliot Crawshay-Williams...

ODETTE (1950) * with switchable Spanish subti...
Herbert Wilcox Writers: Jerrard Tickell (by),...

YESTERDAY'S ENEMY (1959) * with switchable En...
Val Guest Writer: Peter R. Newman Stars: Sta...

VICTIM (1961) * with switchable Spanish subti...
Basil Dearden Writers: Janet Green, John McCo...

THE RED BERET (Paratrooper) (1953) * with swit...
Terence Young Writers: Richard Maibaum (scree...

THE PRISONER (1955) * with switchable Spanish...
Peter Glenville Writers: Bridget Boland (play...

ABER, HERR DOKTOR (Doctor in the House) (1954)...
Ralph Thomas Writers: Richard Gordon (by), Ri...

CAPTURED (1959) * with switchable English and...
John Krish; Wilfrid Brambell, Ray Brooks, Alan...