Artikelnummer 4996 Verfügbarkeit THE SPY IN BLACK (1939) Michael Powell Writers: J. Storer Clouston (story), Emeric Pressburger (screenplay) | 1 more credit » Stars: Conrad Veidt, Valerie Hobson, Sebastian Shaw Geben Sie eine Produktbewertung ab. Alter Preis: $13.99 Preis: $9.99 Menge: In den Warenkorb Weitersagen Fragen zum Artikel? Zur Wunschliste hinzufügen DetailsVorliegende Bewertungen Captain Hardt, a World War I German U-boat commander, is ordered to lead a mission to attack the British Fleet at Scapa Flow. He sneaks ashore on the Orkney Islands to meet his contact, Fräulein Tiel. Tiel has taken over the identity of local schoolteacher, Miss Anne Burnett, who had been kidnapped by German agents. Hardt finds himself attracted to her, but Tiel shows no interest. The Germans are aided by a disgraced Royal Navy officer, the former Commander Ashington, who, according to Tiel, has agreed to aid the Germans after losing his command due to drunkenness. Tiel implies that she has slept with Ashington to obtain his cooperation. Now equipped with the crucial information he needs about the fleet movements, Hardt makes rendezvous with his submarine to arrange the attack. Returning to the house, and confident that all is going to plan, Hardt make advances to Tiel, but she rebuffs him. She leaves the house, believing she has locked Hardt in, but he gets out and secretly follows her, discovering that she has gone out to meet Ashington. Hardt overhears them talking and learns the truth - the British are fully aware of his presence and his mission, and his 'contacts' are really British double-agents. DVD-R is in English with no subtitles. Approx. 78 mins. See video sample for picture and audio quality! Geben Sie eine Produktbewertung ab. Ähnliche Produkte ACTION IN ARABIA (1944) $10.99 BEYOND THE CURTAIN (1960) $12.99 FIVE GRAVES TO CAIRO (1943) $13.99 JOURNEY INTO FEAR (1943) + SAHARA (1943) $11.99 NIGHT TRAIN TO MUNICH (1940) $13.99 SLEEPING CAR TO TRIESTE (1948) $13.99 THE GHOST TRAIN (1941) + THE SEVENTH VICTIM (1... $10.99 THE IRON CURTAIN (1948) * with dual English-Sp... $13.99 DIE GEZEICHNETEN (The Search) (1948) * with... $9.99 NIGHT BOAT TO DUBLIN (1946) $13.99 A POLITICAL PARTY (1934) $10.99 CHEER BOYS CHEER (1939) $12.99 HALFWAY HOUSE (1944) $12.99 INSPECTOR HORNLEIGH GOES TO IT (1941) $10.99 OLD BILL AND SON (1941) $12.99 PIMPERNEL SMITH (1941) $9.99 THE FIRE RAISERS (1934) * with hard-encoded S... $9.99 JOSSER IN THE ARMY (1932) $13.99 < > Benutzer, die diesen Artikel gekauft haben, haben auch gekauft NAZI AGENT (1942) + THE MAN WHO NEVER WAS (1956) $10.99 THE WHITE REINDEER (1952) * with switchable E... $9.99 DER POSAUNIST (1945) $9.99 FRIDERICUS - DER ALTE FRITZ (1936) * with swi... $14.99 KAMPFGESCHWADER LÜTZOW (1941) $9.99 DIE SINGENDE STADT (1930) (The Singing City) *... $13.99 THE MAN BETWEEN (1953) $13.99 KREUZER EMDEN (Cruiser Emden) (1932) * with sw... $10.99 BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN (1925) + MOSKVA (1927... $13.99 STÄRKER ALS DIE LIEBE (1938) $10.99 CONTRABAND (BLACKOUT) (1940) $11.29 ANDREAS SCHLÜTER (1942) * with or without swi... ab $12.99 ZARAH LEANDERs GREATEST HITS $12.99 DER BLAUE ENGEL (1930) *with switchable Engli... $11.99 EIN MANN MUSS NICHT IMMER SCHÖN SEIN (1956) $9.99 DER DORFMONARCH (1950) $9.99 DAMALS (Back Then) (1943) * with switchable En... $13.99 WIE SAG ICH'S MEINEM MANN (1932) * with switc... $13.99 DIE VERKAUFTE BRAUT (The Bartered Bride) (1932)... $9.99 DAS RECHT AUF LIEBE (1939) $9.99 3 DVD SET: JAN HUS; JAN ZIZKA; PROTI VSEM - TH... $35.99 HANGMEN ALSO DIE (1943) $13.99 PETERLE (1943) $9.99 ICH WAR NEUNZEHN (1968) * with switchable Eng... $13.99 BOCKBIERFEST (Wer niemals einen Rausch gehabt)... $10.99 < > Tags u-boat 29 (1)