SKU 4476 Availability ABSCHIED VON DEN WOLKEN (1959) O. W. Fischer Peter van Houten Sonja Ziemann Carla Peter van Eyck Pink Roberti Silvia Reinhardt Eva Roberti Linda Christian Countess Colmar Christian Wolff Mischa Gomperz Horst Frank Richard Marshall Be the first to review this product $10.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews Former pilot Peter van Houten is being deported as persona non grata from a dictatorial country. Without further ado, a passenger plane is forced to land so it can take him out of the country. The ex-pilot's flight to freedom won't be an easy one, however: gangsters, technical mishaps, and a typhoon are seriously threatening the onboard passengers. If that weren't enough, the man piloting the plane gets injured in all the banging around and it's up to the alcoholic ex-pilot to save everyone's life. Sort of an early cross between Airplane and a flight any day of the week on Southwest Airlines. Der Ex-Pilot Peter van Houten soll als unliebsame Person aus einem fiktiven diktatorischen Staat abgeschoben werden. Kurzerhand wird eine Passagiermaschine zur Landung gezwungen, um ihn außer Landes zu bringen. Der Flug in die Freiheit gestaltet sich jedoch schwierig, weil Gangster, technische Pannen und ein Taifun die Sicherheit an Bord ernsthaft bedrohen. Da verletzt sich der Pilot während des Sturms zu allem Überfluss noch schwer. Es liegt nun an Van Houten, die Maschine sicher zu landen. DVD-R is in German with no subtitles. Approx. 95 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality! Be the first to review this product Customers who bought this item also bought FRAULEIN DOKTOR (1969) $13.99 KIDNAPPING, CAUCASIAN STYLE (1967) * with har... $13.99 DAS BLAUE MEER UND DU (1959) $9.99 WHEREVER YOU ARE (1988) * with switchable Eng... $15.99 THE LION'S SHARE (La Parte del Leon) (1978)... $13.99 THE FLESH AND BLOOD SHOW (1972) $13.99 TOMORROW AT TEN (1962) * with English and Spa... $14.99 BALLAD OF ORIN (Hanare goze Orin) (1977) * w... $17.99 SLEEPING DOGS (1977) * with switchable Englis... $14.99 THE KNIGHT OF 100 FACES (Il Cavaliere dai Cent... $13.99 FUN IN THE BARRACKS (Les Gaîtés de l'escadron)... $15.99 SOMEWHERE IN FRANCE (1942) $13.99 DAS LIED DER STRÖME (The Song of the Rivers)... $14.99 THE PAPER BRIDGE (DIE PAPIERENE BRÜCKE) (1987)... $13.99 THE POLICEMAN (Ha-Shoter Azulai) (1971) * wi... $13.99 THE PRICE OF LOVE (I timi tis agapis) (1984) *... $13.99 SCHAUT AUF DIESE STADT (1962) * with switchabl... $13.99 2 DVD SET: SCHLACHT UM MOSKAU (1985) * with s... $29.99 IL CAVALIERE MISTERIOSO (The Mysterious Rider)... $13.99 SOTTO IL SOLE DI ROMA (Under the Sun of Rome) (... $13.99 POSTWAR GERMANY, 1945 - 1949 $9.99 3 DVD SET: EVERYDAY LIFE IN WWII GERMANY (ALLTA... $26.99 ICH VERWEIGERE DIE AUSSAGE (1939) $10.99 < >