SKU 1467 Availability DER SCHIMMELREITER (1934) Mathias Wieman, Marianne Hoppe and Ali Ghito, Hans Deppe, Curt Oertel Be the first to review this product $11.09 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews Based on the novel of the same name by Theodor Storm, the film shows the fate of the dike-warden Hauke Haien, who has to struggle against the superstition and mistrust of the local farmers on the Frisian coast. Only his mistress Elke stands by his side , even when he has to battle against the resistance of the populace to build a new dike. Shortly after the dike's completion, the coast is plagued by a heavy storm. To protect the new dike, Haien wants to pierce the old dike, though this will mean the flooding of his own house. Nach Motiven der gleichnamigen Novelle von Theodor Storm schildert der Film das Schicksal des Deichgrafen Hauke Haien, der sich an der friesischen Küste gegen Aberglauben und Missgunst der ansässigen Bauern behaupten muss. Allein seine Geliebte Elke steht zu ihm, auch als er gegen den Widerstand der Bevölkerung den Bau eines neuen Deichs durchsetzt. Kurz nach Fertigstellung wird die Küste von einem schweren Sturm heimgesucht. Zum Schutz der neuen Deichanlage will Haien den alten Deich anstechen, wodurch sein eigenes Haus überschwemmt würde. DVD-R IS IN GERMAN WITH NO SUBTITLES. APPROX. 81 MINS. COMBINED TOTAL. EXCELLENT DIGITAL FILM QUALITY OVERALL, THOUGH THE SOUND IS TINNY AND HOLLOW. Be the first to review this product Related products DIE VIER GESELLEN (1938) $11.19 DIE VERKAUFTE BRAUT (The Bartered Bride) (1932)... $9.99 DAS LOCKENDE ZIEL (1930) * with hard-encoded... $13.99 DER MAULKORB (1938) $11.09 DIE GATTIN (1943) $11.09 < > Customers who bought this item also bought EINE FRAU OHNE BEDEUTUNG (1936) $9.99 11 DVD SET: GERMAN PANORAMA 1933 - 1945 $69.99 QUE VIVA MEXICO (1933) * with switchable Engl... $9.99 ROSEN IN TIROL (1940) $11.29 PEER GYNT (1934) $9.99 REMBRANDT (1942) $9.99 PHANTOM (1922) * with English intertitles * $13.99 FEINDE (1940) $11.49 PARKSTRASSE 13 (1939) $9.99 DER SOHN DER WEISSEN BERGE (The Son of the Whit... $13.99 MÜNCHHAUSEN (1943) *with switchable English su... $14.99 DER BRAVE SÜNDER (The Upright Sinner) (1931) *... $13.99 JUNGENS (1941) $9.99 DER ALTE UND DER JUNGE KÖNIG ( The Old and the... $13.99 DER HEILIGE BERG (The Holy Mountain) (1926) *... $13.99 DER SCHRITT VOM WEGE (The False Step) (1939) *... $13.99 2 DVD SET: LIFE IN WWII FRANCE $24.99 ALLOTRIA (Hokum) (1936) * with or without swit... From $10.99 JOHANNISFEUER (1939) $9.99 TITANIC (1943) * with switchable English subti... $13.99 FRIDERICUS - DER ALTE FRITZ (1936) * with swi... $14.99 DER EWIGE JUDE (1940) *with switchable Englis... $17.99 BISMARCK (1940) * with switchable English and... $13.99 MENSCHEN OHNE VATERLAND (1937) $9.99 DIE ENTLASSUNG (Schicksalwende) (1942) $11.49 < >