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Deutsche Filme

Harald Philipp (screenplay), Fred Ignor (collab...

UNTER DEN BRÜCKEN (Under the Bridges) (1945) *...
Helmut Käutner Writers: Leo de Laforgue (manu...

UNTER DER LATERNE (Under the Lantern) (1928) *...
Gerhard Lamprecht Writers: Luise Heilborn-Kör...

URLAUB AUF EHRENWORT (Furlough on Parole) (1938...
Karl Ritter Writers: Walter Bloem (story), C...

VAMPYR (1932) * with hard-encoded English sub...
Carl Theodor Dreyer (as Carl Th. Dreyer) Writ...

VARIETE (1925) + HELIOGABALE (1911) *with s...
Louis Feuillade Stars: Jean Aymé, Louise Lagra...

VENUS VOR GERICHT (1941) * with hard-encoded...
Hannes Stelzer, Hansi Knoteck and Paul Dahlke,...

VERRAT AN DEUTSCHLAND (Der Fall Dr. Sorge) (1954)
Veit Harlan Writers: Thomas Harlan, Veit Harl...

VERSPRICH MIR NICHTS (Don't Promise Me Anything...
Luise Ullrich, Viktor de Kowa and Heinrich George