Artikelnummer 2187 Verfügbarkeit VARIETE (1925) + HELIOGABALE (1911) *with switchable English subtitles* Louis Feuillade Stars: Jean Aymé, Louise Lagrange and Luitz-Morat, Ewald André Dupont Writers: Felix Hollaender (novel), Ewald André Dupont (scenario) Stars: Emil Jannings, Maly Delschaft and Lya De Putti Geben Sie eine Produktbewertung ab. $13.99 Menge: In den Warenkorb Weitersagen Fragen zum Artikel? Zur Wunschliste hinzufügen DetailsVorliegende Bewertungen VARIETE (1925): The murderer "Boss" Huller - after having spent ten years in prison - breaks his silence to tell the warden his story. "Boss", a former trapeze artist, and his wife own a cheap side-show that displays ''erotic sensations''. But he longs for his former glamorous life in the circus. When he meets the orphan Berta-Marie, he falls under her spell and leaves his wife and young son behind. He makes Berta-Marie his partner in a new trapeze number. One day, the famous trapeze artist Artinelli takes note of them and engages them for his trapeze show in Berlin. Their salto mortale becomes an immediate sensation. Calculatedly and cold, Artinelli seduces Berta-Marie and destroys "Boss'" happiness. DVD-r has Italian intertitles with switchable English subtitles. NO MUSICAL SCORE! Approx. 77 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality! HELIOGABALE (1911): In Heliogabale, the dissolute Emperor Heliogabalus dresses as a woman, and looses lions among his guests. DVD-r has German intertitles with switchable English subtitles. NO MUSICAL SCORE! Approx. 9 mins. Geben Sie eine Produktbewertung ab. Ähnliche Produkte KOHLHIESELS TÖCHTER (Kohlhiesel's Daughters) (1... $13.99 DER LETZTE MANN (The Last Laugh) (1924) * with... $13.99 THE LAST COMMAND (1928) * with English intert... $13.99 DER ALTE UND DER JUNGE KÖNIG ( The Old and the... $13.99 DER HERRSCHER (The Ruler) (1937) *with switcha... $9.99 2 DVD SET: HELENA (1924) * with switchable E... $27.99 DAS WANDERNDE BILD (1920) * with German inter... $13.99 DER GEISTERZUG (Ghost Train) (1927) * with swi... $9.99 DIE FRAU, NACH DER MAN SICH SEHNT (Three Loves)... $13.99 FAUST (1926) * with English subtitles * $10.99 MISS EVELYNE, DIE BADEFEE (1929) *with switch... $13.99 SODOM UND GOMORRHA (1922) * with switchable E... $9.99 WUNDER DER SCHÖPFUNG (Our Heavenly Bodies) (192... $13.99 DIE BERGKATZE (1921) (The Wildcat) * with swit... $13.99 < > Benutzer, die diesen Artikel gekauft haben, haben auch gekauft KÖNIGSTIGER (Letzte Galavorstellung Zirkus Bars... $9.99 VARIETE (1935) $9.99 DIE FREUDLOSE GASSE (The Street of Sorrow) (Joy... $9.99 DAS TAGEBUCH EINER VERLORENEN (Diary of a Lost... $13.99 THE ELEVENTH YEAR (1928) * with switchable En... $13.99 THE ROAD TO LIFE (1931) *with switchable Engl... $13.99 DER LETZTE MANN (The Last Laugh) (1924) * with... $13.99 JAKKO (1941) $9.99 WARNING SHADOWS (1923) & MAN HUNT (1941) $12.99 KUHLE WAMPE (Who Owns the World?) (1932) *with... $9.99 2 DVD SET: DER HAUPTMANN VON KÖPENICK (1931/56... $16.99 DIE VERRUFENEN (Slums of Berlin) (1925) * with... $13.99 CAFE ELEKTRIC (1927) * with switchable Englis... $14.99 DAS SCHÖNE FRÄULEIN SCHRAGG (1937) $9.99 MEIN LEBEN FÜR IRLAND (My Life for Ireland) (19... $13.99 WALZERKRIEG (The Battle of the Walzes) (1933)... $13.99 VICTORY IN THE UKRAINE * with switchable Englis... $13.99 LIEBE MUSS VERSTANDEN SEIN (1933) * IMPROVED... $10.99 ICH KÜSSE IHRE HAND, MADAME (I Kiss Your Hand)... $13.99 THE WHISPERING CHORUS + CARMEN (De Mille) $9.99 MÄDCHEN IN UNIFORM (Girls in Uniform) (1931)... $13.99 STORM OVER ASIA (1928) * with English interti... $13.99 FRIEDRICH SCHILLER - DER TRIUMPH EINES GENIES... $9.99 PHANTOM (1922) * with English intertitles * $13.99 THE LAST COMMAND (1928) * with English intert... $13.99 < >