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Miscellaneous Documentaries

EL GRITO (1968) * with switchable English subtitles *

Direcciรณn Leobardo Lรณpez Arretche Producciรณn Josรฉ Rovirosa Guion Oriana Fallaci, Consejo Nacional de Huelga1โ€‹ Mรบsica ร“scar Chรกvez Sonido Rodolfo Sรกnchez Alvarado Fotografรญa Leobardo Lรณpez Aretche, Roberto Sรกnchez, Josรฉ Rovirosa, Alfredo Joskowicz, Francisco Bojรณrquez, Jorge de la Rosa, Leรณn Chรกvez, Francisco Gaytรกn, Raรบl Kamffer, Jaime Ponce, Federico Villegas, Arturo de la Rosa, Carlos Cuenca, Guillermo Dรญaz Palafox, Fernando Ladrรณn de Guevara, Juan Mora, Sergio Valdez y Federico Weingartshofer

SKU: 6685


NATIVE LAND (1942) * with switchable English subtitles *

Paul Robeson as Narrator and vocalist (voice) Fred Johnson as Fred Hill, a farmer Mary George as Hill's wife John Rennick as Hill's son Amelia Romano as Window scrubber Houseley Stevenson as White sharecropper Louis Grant as Black sharecropper James Hanney as Mack, Union president Howard Da Silva as Jim, an informer Art Smith as Harry Carlyle John Marley as Thug with crowbar Directed by Leo Hurwitz Paul Strand

SKU: 6597


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