Artikelnummer 3398 Verfügbarkeit WE LIVE AGAIN (1946) * with hard-encoded English subtitles * Geben Sie eine Produktbewertung ab. $13.99 Menge: In den Warenkorb Weitersagen Fragen zum Artikel? Zur Wunschliste hinzufügen DetailsVorliegende Bewertungen One of the first postwar films to deal with the Holocaust, this documentary about Jewish war orphans opened in New York in September 1948 and has rarely been seen since. The film incorporates newsreels, actual footage of children receiving aid from relief agencies, as well as staged sequences. Along with Our Children and Long is the Road, it tells the vivid story of the experiences of displaced persons after the horrors of the Second World War. DVD-R is in Yiddish with hard-encoded English subtitles. Approx. 48 mins. + 57 min. documentary of the Nazi concentation and prison camps found by Allied soldiers in 1945. Geben Sie eine Produktbewertung ab. Ähnliche Produkte TEVYE (1939) * with hard-encoded English subt... $15.99 THE CANTOR'S SON (1937) * with hard-encoded E... $15.99 THE JEWISH MELODY (1940) * with hard-encoded... $13.99 THE JOLLY PAUPERS (1937) * with hard-encoded... $13.99 THE LIGHT AHEAD (Fishke the Lame) (1939) * wit... $13.99 THE LIVING ORPHAN (1939) * with hard-encoded... $13.99 YIDDISHE MAMA (Mothers of Today) (1939) * with... $13.99 YIDL MITN FIDL (1936) * with hard-encoded Eng... $13.99 CATSKILL HONEYMOON (1950) * with hard-encoded... $14.99 DREAM OF MY PEOPLE (1933) $14.99 LANG IST DER WEG (1948) * with hard-encoded E... $13.99 OUR CHILDREN (1948) * with hard-encoded Engli... $13.99 SINGING IN THE DARK (1954) $9.99 THREE DAUGHTERS (1949) * with hard-encoded En... $13.99 GOD, MAN AND THE DEVIL (1949) * with hard-enc... $13.99 < > Benutzer, die diesen Artikel gekauft haben, haben auch gekauft OUR CHILDREN (1948) * with hard-encoded Engli... $13.99 CHRONIK EINES MORDES (1965) $9.99 LANG IST DER WEG (1948) * with hard-encoded E... $13.99 THE FED ONE (Hranjenik) (1970) * with switchab... $11.99 DAS MASSAKER VON KATYN (Katyn Massacre) (2006)... $13.99 ROTATION (1949) * with switchable English sub... $13.99 DIE TRAPP FAMILIE (1956) * with switchable En... $14.99 BOGANCS (1959) * with switchable English subt... $13.99 MOURIR A MADRID (To Die in Madrid) (1963) * w... $13.99 6 DVD SET: THE HOLOCAUST COLLECTION $59.99 DER STUDENT VON PRAG (1913) + DER GOLEM, WIE ER... $13.99 THE ENCLOSURE (L ENCLOS) (1961) * with switc... $13.99 NONE SHALL ESCAPE (1944) $9.99 SECRET PLACES - BERLIN, THE WALL, COLD WAR SPIES $9.99 BERLIN ALEXANDERPLATZ (1931) *with switchable... $9.99 A TRIP THROUGH 1930s GERMANY * with switchable... $16.99 MECHTA (DREAM) (1941) *with switchable English... $13.99 MASHENKA (1942) *with switchable English subti... $13.99 CHILDREN OF THE INTERNMENT CAMPS + SPEZIALLAGER... $9.99 BERLIN: SYMPHONY OF A GREAT CITY (1927) + KI... $10.99 EIN BLONDER TRAUM (A Blonde Dream) (1932) *wi... $13.99 DAS BLAUE LICHT (The Blue Light) (1932) * with... $13.99 QUICK (1932) *with switchable English subtitles* $13.99 MY WAY HOME (Így jöttem) (1965) * with switcha... $13.99 5 FINGERS (1952) $11.99 < >