Artikelnummer 825

ICH WAR JACK MORTIMER (1935) * with switchable English subtitles *

Anton Walbrook, Eugen Klöpfer and Sybille Schmitz

Der Taxifahrer Ferdinand Sponer entdeckt eines Tages einen erschossenen Fahrgast in seinem Wagen. Aus Angst, für den Täter gehalten zu werden, lässt er die Leiche verschwinden und nimmt die beiden Koffer des Toten an sich. Seine Braut Marie, der er alles erzählt, vermutet, dass der Tote noch mehr Gepäck hatte und dieses schon im Hotel ist. Also muss Jack Mortimer, so heißt der Tote, auch im Hotel ankommen. Ferdinand geht als Mortimer dorthin. Gerade angekommen, will ihn eine Dame sprechen. Sie ist mit Mortimer verabredet und findet statt des Freundes einen Fremden vor, als sie sein Zimmer betritt. Sie ahnt, dass Mortimer etwas geschehen sein muss. Aufgeregt verlässt sie das Zimmer und läuft ihrem eifersüchtigen Ehemann in die Arme. Sponer erzählt nun beiden, dass Mortimer erschossen wurde und verlässt dann das Zimmer, um zu fliehen. Als er von einer Vorladung der Polizei erfährt, besinnt er sich eines anderen und will ins Hotel zurückkehren, um den wahren Sachverhalt zu berichten. Dort hat sich das Ehepaar inzwischen ausgesprochen, wobei der Mann den Mord gestand. Er benachrichtigt nun selbst die Polizei.

The jealous star conductor Monte Mayor knows that his beautiful younger wife, Winifred, is cheating on him with an American named Jack Mortimer. After the concert rehearsal, he takes a taxi to the train station, sees Mortimer and shoots him at an intersection from the backseat of his taxi. The shot is not heard during the traffic noise. The taxi driver, Sponer, sitting in his car with the now-dead Mortimer, goes into a panic. He tells his boss about the incident; but he thinks no one will believe that he is innocent of the murder. So, he places the corpse in a different place and takes the murdered man's luggage to the deceased's wife, Marie Mortimer, and tells her about the incident, too. He comes up with the idea to play the role of Mortimer, so he will not be missed, because some other luggage of his has already been delivered to his hotel in advance. In the hotel room, Winifred Montemayor is looking for Mortimer. He sees that the taxi driver is not Mortimer and suspects him of killing Mortimer.

THERE IS A NEWSREEL PREVIEW BEFORE THE FILM, JUST AS GERMAN AUDIENCES MIGHT HAVE SEEN WHEN THE MOVIE WAS FIRST SHOWN (except this newsreel may not be contemporary to when the film was released).



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Anton Walbrook shines in this excellent mystery as the wrong man who must save him self by becoming the course., 11.08.2019 12:10
Von: Gast
A taxi driver meets a wealthy woman stuck by the side of the road. He helps her with her car and she hires him to be her chauffeur. But first he has to spend one more night as a taxi driver before he can finally move up in the world….

SPOILERS: The jealous star conductor Montemayor knows that his beautiful younger wife, Winifred, is cheating on him with an American named Jack Mortimer. After the concert rehearsal, he takes a taxi to the train station, sees Mortimer and shoots him at an intersection from the backseat of his taxi. The shot is not heard during the traffic noise. The taxi driver, Sponer (Walbrook), sitting in his car with the now-dead Mortimer, goes into a panic. He tells his boss about the incident; but he thinks no one will believe that he is innocent of the murder. So, he places the corpse in a different place and takes the murdered man's luggage to the deceased's wife, Marie Mortimer, and tells her about the incident, too. He comes up with the idea to play the role of Mortimer, so he will not be missed, because some other luggage of his has already been delivered to his hotel in advance. In the hotel room, Winifred Montemayor is looking for Mortimer. She sees that the taxi driver is not Mortimer and suspects him of killing Mortimer. Will the truth save him or will he be executed as a murder or killed by the jealous husband?
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