SKU 734 Availability MAZURKA (1935) * with switchable English subtitles and improved picture quality * Pola Negri, Albrecht Schoenhals and Ingeborg Theek, Willi Forst (2) Add your review 5.0 2 $13.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews2 Old Photo Sample (Prior to 07 Jul 2016): New Photo Sample (As of 07 Jul 2016): Old Photo Sample (Prior to 07 Jul 2016): New Photo Sample (As of 07 Jul 2016): MAZURKA tells the story of Lisa, a teen-age music conservatory student, stalked by famed concert pianist Grigorij Michailow. After a contrived meeting, Michailow charms Lisa into sneaking out of her well-to-do home to tryst the following night. He takes her to a sleazy dive, where world-weary tart Vera entertains riff-raff nightly with her warbling. During her act, Vera spots Michailow kissing Lisa and she promptly faints. She's carried to her dressing-room as the pianist and his intended prey make for the exit. Vera grabs a gun and charges through the nightclub screaming out Michailow's true name - and as he turns to look at her, she shoots him. What follows is an involving courtroom melodrama where the story's shocking answer to "why" is revealed through flashbacks... Pola Negri, silent star of German UFA & Hollywood film, is extraordinary in her first German talkie. She wrings every drop of pathos from a character who goes from a frivolous young operetta star to a jaded & degraded underworld "entertainer", who finds herself on trial for her life. The reasons why Negri's Vera won't help with her own defense (and the sacrifice she makes) make this a real tearjerker. Wendungsreiches Melodram um die Leidensgeschichte der Sängerin Vera, die wegen Mordes an dem Komponisten Michailow vor Gericht steht. Im Verlauf des Prozesses enthüllt die Angeklagte unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit ihre persönliche Tragödie: Als junge Frau war Vera an der Warschauer Oper engagiert und spielte dort in Michailows "Mazurka". Zugunsten ihrer Heirat mit Rittmeister Boris Kierow beendete Vera ihre Karriere, doch bei einem Widersehen mit den alten Kollegen wird sie nach zuviel Alkoholgenuss bewusstlos und von Michailow vergewaltigt. Vera wird schwanger, und nach der Geburt bleibt das Kind, Lisa, beim Vater und dessen neuer Frau. Jahre später entdeckt Vera während einer Vorstellung Michailow, der gerade die ahnungslose Lisa verführt. Aus Angst, dass sich Michailow an seiner eigenen Tochter vergeht, erschießt Vera den Komponisten vor den Augen der Theaterbesucher. Nach ihrer Aussage erhält Vera ein mildes Urteil. Vor dem Gerichtssaal trifft sie Lisa, die nicht weiß, dass Vera ihre Mutter ist. Vera verabschiedet sich von ihrer Tochter, ohne ihr Geheimnis zu verraten. DVD-R IS IN GERMAN WITH SWITCHABLE ENGLISH SUBTITLES. APPROX. 88 MINS. See film samples for audio and video quality! Old Film Sample (Prior to 07 Jul 2016): New Film Sample (As of 07 Jul 2016): When remade as CONFESSION in the US, director Joe May showed this original to his cast and crew stating it was perfect so they copied EVERYTHING., 4/20/2019 12:04 PM From: Absent from the screen since 1932, Pola Negri made the first of several comebacks in the German melodrama Mazurka. Negri is cast as a famous opera star, married to a powerful military officer. While hubby's off to war, she is forced to have "one too many" and ends up being raped by another man. When she becomes pregnant, it's the end of her marriage and her career. Fifteen years later, Negri comes face-to-face with the daughter she'd farmed out to adoption. Careful not to reveal her true identity, the chastened Negri tries to prevent her daughter from making a similar mistake with her virtue -- and with the same rascally lover who'd impregnated our heroine. When the caddish ex-lover refuses to back off, Negri takes drastic measures, setting the stage for a passion-tattering "Madame X"-style courtroom finale. Was this review helpful? 0 1 Willi Forst directs with panache, 6/11/2021 6:32 PM From: Wolfie Tight drama allegedly based on a real event 'in a European city', as the opening credits tell us.Prior to WWI, Pola Negri leaves a successful career as a Varieté singer to marry a cavalry officer and has a daughter with him. When he is called off to war, she accepts an invitation to a party at the home of a famous musician and former colleague who still carries quite a bit more than a torch for her. Too many drinks and a blackout later, she wakes in his bed and knows immediately what happened.Her marriage is destroyed by this, divorce court awards the care of the daughter to the father, who returned from battle with only 1 arm, and the woman has to pick up her career to support herself. In every city, she searches the directory for the name of her ex-husband in an effort to locate her daughter. Once found, she pays a shy visit, but gives a somewhat false identity to the second wife of her ex-husband, who passed away several years earlier, but manages to get a brief glimpse of her daughter without revealing her identity. When she later sees her daughter leaving the theater she is performing in with the very man who raped her 20 years earlier, she grabs the trick shooter's gun and kills him. Was this review helpful? 0 0 Related products ALLOTRIA (Hokum) (1936) * with or without swit... 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