SKU 2282


E.W. Emo Writer: Willy Rath Stars: Dorit Kreysler, Ida Wüst and Paul Richter

Gerade hat Mutz Hagedorn ihr Abitur bestanden, sehr zur Freude ihrer Tante Jenny. Da erfährt sie von ihrem Notar, dass sie von ihrem Onkel das Hotel "Zur Jungfrau" geerbt hat, es liegt am Bodensee in Üttlisborn. Auf dem Weg dorthin lernt sie im Zug den sympathischen Konrad kennen, und erst am Bahnhof trennen sich ihre Wege. Als sie nun vor "ihrem" Hotel steht, ist sie entsetzt. Die "Jungfrau" ist ein alter, heruntergekommener Kasten ohne Gäste, denn Leute mit Ansprüchen steigen im Hotel "Mönch" ab, das der Familie Leitner gehört. Beide Familien liegen seit Jahren im Streit. Da erfährt Mutz von Konrad, dass auch er ein Leitner und der Besitzer des "Mönch" ist.  

Mutz Hagedorn has just finished her high school exams successfully, much to the joy of her aunt Jenny.  She has just been advised, that she’s inherited the Hotel Zur Jungfrau from her uncle, which is located on the Bodensee in Uttlisborn.  On the way to the hotel, she gets to know the charming Konrad in the train and they only part ways when they reach the train station.  As she stands before “her” hotel, she is horrified.  The “Jungfrau” is an old, decrepit box without guests, because people go to the nearby Hotel Monch, which belongs to the Leitner family.  Both families have been at war for years.  She once more runs into Konrad, who informs her that he is the manager and owner of the “Monch”. 

THERE IS A NEWSREEL ALONG WITH THE FILM, JUST AS GERMAN AUDIENCES MIGHT HAVE SEEN WHEN THE MOVIE WAS FIRST SHOWN (except this newsreel may not be contemporary to when the film was released).

DVD-R IS IN GERMAN WITH NO SUBTITLES (except for the Newsreel).

QUALITY (of feature film only): 


·        Sharpness of picture?  - very poor and unclear quality

·        Other notable issues?  - some sound-to-picture synchronization issues, though it's hard enough to see the lips to make that fact out!









Basic romcom, 5/10/2021 4:54 PM
From: Wolfie
The movie equivalent of beach reading: a simple, straightforward and very predictable story reminiscent of 'country' stage shows.
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