A Bavarian comedy centered around Gusti, the lovely waitress of the restaurant „Bratwurstglockl“, who is adored by all the men. When the spoiled snob Carl Maria complains to the manager about the restaurant, Gusti is summarily dismissed and accepts the invitation of the poor chamber singer Gottlieb Bumm to accompany him on a three-day trip to the Zugspitze he won in a contests. While there, they both live well above their means and Gusti runs into Carl Maria again.
Bayrisches Lustspiel um Gusti, die reizende Kellnerin des Lokals "Bratwurstglöckl", die von allen Männern angehimmelt wird. Als der verwöhnte Schnösel Carl Maria sich beim Geschäftsführer über das Lokal beschwert, wird Gusti fristlos entlassen und nimmt die Einladung des armen Kammersängers Gottlieb Bumm an, der bei einem Preisausschreiben eine dreitägige Reise auf die Zugspitze für zwei Personen gewonnen hat. Dort leben die Beiden deutlich über ihre Verhältnisse, und Gusti trifft Carl Maria wieder.
THERE IS A NEWSREEL ALONG WITH THE FILM, JUST AS GERMAN AUDIENCES MIGHT HAVE SEEN WHEN THE MOVIE WAS FIRST SHOWN (except this newsreel may not be contemporary to when the film was released).
DVD-R IS IN GERMAN WITH NO SUBTITLES (except for the Newsreel).
QUALITY (of feature film only):
· Sharpness of picture? - good quality; the movable part of a VCR counter has been de-logoed; the non-movable parts are still present. Intrusive.
· Other notable issues? - tinny sound