Artikelnummer 818

KUHLE WAMPE (Who Owns the World?) (1932) *with switchable English subtitles*

Hertha Thiele, Ernst Busch and Martha Wolter
Alter Preis: $13.99
Preis: $9.99

Berlin 1931. Vater Bönike und sein Sohn sind wie hunderttausend andere auch arbeitslos, Tochter Anni hat eine schlecht bezahlte Anstellung in der Fabrik. Als ihr Bruder sich das Leben nimmt und die Familie kurz darauf ihre Wohnung räumen muss, zieht sie in die Zeltkolonie "Kuhle Wampe" vor den Toren Berlins. Anni überwirft sich mit ihrem Freund Fritz, von dem sie schwanger ist, und zieht zu ihrer Freundin Gerda, die gerade ein großes Arbeitersportfest organisiert. Bei der Veranstaltung finden Anni und Fritz wieder zueinander und auf der Heimfahrt kommt es zum berühmten Schlussdialog. "Wer soll denn die Welt verändern?", fragt ein offensichtlich gut situierter Herr. Antwort Gerda: "Die, denen sie nicht gefällt." 

Anni, the family’s daughter and the only family member who still has a job, becomes pregnant and engaged to her boyfriend, Fritz, who that very evening describes that their marriage was demanded of him because of her pregnancy. Anni leaves Fritz and moves to her friend Gerda’s apartment.  She later takes place in a worker’s sporting event where she meets Fritz again, who has recently lost his work, and they reunite. The climax of the film depicts their return home by train. Anni and Fritz as well as a handful of workers argue with middle-class and wealthy men and women over the situation of the worldwide financial crisis.  One of the workers notes that the well-off will not change the world in any case, to which one of the wealthy asks quizzically, “Who else, then, can change the world?” Gerda replies, “Those who don’t like it.” 


DVD-R is in German with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 83 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!


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Almost a historical document, 29.03.2021 16:59
Von: Wolfie
If I recall correctly, this is - or was - considered something of a cult film and required viewing for film students and aficionados as recently as the 1980s. If this is still the case, I couldn't say.
Edgy editing and camera angles give it a somewhat 'artsy' feel and it probably does provide a fairly realistic picture of Weimar Germany. Putting this film and 'Hitlerjunge Quex' on one disc or in one set would be a masterstroke of juxtaposition.
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