Jonathan Harker and his wife, Lucy, live in the port city of Wismar during the 19th Century. Jonathan is ordered by his employer to travel to Transylvania to close a real estate deal with Count Dracula ... and for once, it won't be the buyer who's getting screwed over. On his way to the castle, gypsies warn him not to go and no one will help him get there. As Uber and Lyft were not yet on the scene, Jonathan is forced to get to the evil palace on his own. After traveling in the Land of the Phantoms by foot, he finally makes it to the Count's place and is greeted by his undead host. Dracula agrees to buy the house, sight unseen, after seeing a picture of Jonathan's wife in a locket. With the promise of a huge commission in his head, Jonathan thinks he's in Realtor Heaven. But later that night, Dracula pays him a visit in his bedroom and puts the bite on Jonathan. Soon after, Dracula leaves by boat for Wismar; obviously in Fourth Class, as he's sleeping in a coffin instead of a cabin. Harker, determined to save Lucy from the vampire (never mind the townspeople he's cursed for all time), somehow makes it back to Wismar. When the ship Dracula's traveling on arrives in Wismar, everyone onboard is dead; only a great many rats can be found. When Jonathan finally makes it to his home, he doesn't recognize Lucy anymore. Lucy reads his travel diary and the book he's brought with him about the undead Nosferatu (and you complained about the souvenir your friend brought back from his last trip!). Lucy tries to convince Dr. van Helsing to help her seek out Nosferatu and give him some heartburn after a nice meal of stake and potatoes; but the good doctor believes in science, not superstition.
Jonathan Harker, der mit seiner Frau Lucy im Wismar des 19. Jahrhunderts lebt, wird beauftragt, nach Transsilvanien zu reisen, um mit Graf Dracula über den Verkauf eines Hauses zu verhandeln. In der Nähe des Schlosses lebende Zigeuner warnen ihn vor dem Grafen und weigern sich, Harker bei seiner Weiterreise zu helfen, so dass er allein zum Schloss geht. Dort wird er von Graf Dracula empfangen und bewirtet. Ohne den Vertragstext gelesen zu haben, unterzeichnet Dracula, nachdem er ein Bildnis von Harkers Frau Lucy gesehen hat. In der kommenden Nacht wird Harker von Dracula heimgesucht und gebissen. Der Vampir reist nun per Schiff in einem Sarg nach Wismar. Der schwer erkrankte und bleicher werdende Harker kehrt ebenfalls in seine Heimatstadt zurück, allerdings auf dem Landweg. Als das Schiff in Wismar anlegt, ist die gesamte Besatzung tot; nur Ratten scheinen auf dem Schiff zu leben. In der Stadt breitet sich nun die Pest aus. Als Harker die Stadt erreicht, erkennt er in seinem fiebrigen Zustand seine Frau nicht mehr. Lucy liest sein Tagebuch und sein mitgeführtes Buch über den Untoten Nosferatu; sie versucht sodann Doktor van Helsing zu überzeugen, dass der nachts umherschleichende Dracula die Ursache der Seuche ist.
DVD-R is in German with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 107 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!