SCHLUSSAKKORD (The Final Chord) (1936) IMPROVED...
Douglas Sirk Writers: Kurt Heuser (screenpla...
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Douglas Sirk Writers: Kurt Heuser (screenpla...
Franz Josef Gottlieb Writers: Ernst Marischk...
Mario Bonnard Writers: Parsifal Bassi (screen...
Alberto Ribeiro ... Captain José Mariana Villa...
Hans H. Zerlett, Writers: Gustav Raeder (story...
Willi Schaeffers, Leopoldine Konstantin and Kät...
Zarah Leander, Attila Hörbiger and Karl Martell...
Éric Rohmer, Chrétien de Troyes (novel) Stars...
Mario Costa Writers: Carlo Castelli, Mario Co...
Max Nosseck, Mark Arnshtein, Ossip Dymow, Moysh...
Natan Gross, Sholom Aleichem, Rachel Auerbach,...
Willi Forst Writers: Axel Eggebrecht, Willi...