Südamerika, die wilde Pampa. Pedro, ein Hirte und Raufbold, hat hier das Sagen, und wer ihm widerspricht, hat schnell sein Messer zwischen den Rippen. Doch diesmal endet der Streit mit Mord. Sehr zum Unglück der Richtertochter Pepita, Pedros Angebeteter. Nachdem er seinen Rausch ausgeschlafen hat, vertraut sich Pedro voller Schuldgefühle seinem tiefgläubigen Freund Manuel an, und will danach nur noch büßen.
South America, the wild prairielands. Pedro, both pastor and bully, has the final say here. And he who dares contradict him, soon finds a knife between his ribs. This time, however, an argument ends up in murder. Much to the misfortune of the judge’s daughter Pepita, Pedro’s beloved. After sleeping off his intoxication, Pedro, feeling guilty, confesses all to his deeply religious friend Manuel and wishes to pay for his deeds.
DVD-R IS IN GERMAN WITH NO SUBTITLES (except for the Newsreel).
QUALITY (of feature film only):
· Sharpness of picture? - unsharp and soft film with very bad pixellization issues
LENGTH OF FEATURE FILM: 66 mins (cut version)