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Artikelnummer 358

O CANGACEIRO (1953) * with improved switchable English, German & French subtitles and improved video *

Director: Lima Barreto; Stars: Alberto Ruschel, Marisa Prado, Milton Ribeiro

PLEASE NOTE:  The German subtitles in this film were purposely made to sound "colloquial". They are often NOT grammatically correct. Bear this in mind when purchasing this product.

Brazilian movie inspired by American westerns (but losing none of its cultural integrity) about Cangaceiro (bandit) Teodoro who falls in love with a small town school teacher whom his gang has kidnapped 

O Cangaceiro é um filme brasileiro de 1953 escrito e dirigido por Lima Barreto, com diálogos criados por Rachel de Queiroz. O Cangaceiro foi o primeiro filme brasileiro a conquistar as telas do mundo e considerado o melhor filme da Companhia Cinematográfica Vera Cruz ,sua história se inspirava na lendária figura de Lampião. O filme foi rodado em Vargem Grande do Sul, interior do estado de São Paulo. Segundo o diretor, a paisagem da cidade se parecia muito com a nordestina. Após o sucesso do filme, semelhante ao que acontecia com os atores de filmes de faroeste americanos4 , o ator Milton Ribeiro virou personagem de histórias em quadrinhos criadas por Gedeone Malagola para Editora Jupiter na década de 1950. A diferença do Milton Ribeiro dos quadrinhos para o Galdino do filme, era que nos quadrinhos Milton era um herói do Sertão

This is the original, 1953 version of the film.  We also sell the Italian/Brazilian remake from 1970  (which also has English subtitles).

DVD-R is in Portuguese with switchable English, French and Spanish subtitles. Approx. 94 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!

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A brief history of the Canga., 15.08.2020 15:51
Von: Gast
I went to see this movie back in 1953 or 1954 at a cinema in Argentina. I knew nothing about this period in the history of Brazil. It was an absolute surprise for me in many ways. For one I had no knowledge about those events in Brazil and still now, almost 70 years after this film is difficult to find sources about this period. It is like it never happened. Much fun has been made of the people that were part of those events both in Brazil and elsewhere. The politics of the time have been denied just about forever especially nowadays by the current government. The people that revolted against poverty, injustice and just about everything else in the North East of Brazil are still discriminated, ignored, denied, etc., to this day. Let this beautifully shot movie in B/W tell you about the Brazil that still is fighting the same causes and events. This is one way to learn about a country with so much history that has been denied. I have this movie now in my collection and it's one of my priced possessions and I'm still researching the history of this cultural movement. I should say that I am an Anthropologist and this is enormously important to me.
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