Artikelnummer 276 Verfügbarkeit THE GERMAN RAILWAY IN THE SECOND WORLD WAR Geben Sie eine Produktbewertung ab. $9.99 Menge: In den Warenkorb Weitersagen Fragen zum Artikel? Zur Wunschliste hinzufügen DetailsVorliegende Bewertungen Among the annals of the Second World War, the role of the railways in the German war effort has never been explored very well, except maybe by amateur hobbyists and specialists concerned with railway history and memorabilia. In 1938, there was already a "railroad regiment" in the Wehrmacht and the role of the German railway in the Second World War showed its importance with the outbreak of the war in Russia in June 1941. This film consists of the private films -- some in color, most in black and white -- of those soldiers and civilians who served the war effort on German trains during WWII. It shows not only the trains at work, but the construction techniques of tracks, railway maintenance, etc. For the railroad enthusiast, a rare and interesting look at a forgotten front in the War. (56 mins. In very good quality. In German, with no subtitles). In addition, there is a 90 minute film about life in the Soviet Union in the early 1940s, which you should not take seriously (i.e., it's supposed to be entertaining). DVD-R IS APPROX. 146 MINS. REGION FREE. Geben Sie eine Produktbewertung ab. Ähnliche Produkte BATTLESHIP BISMARCK * with switchable English... $13.99 POLITICAL FILMS OF THE REICH I – X * with swit... $79.99 11 DVD SET: GERMAN PANORAMA 1933 - 1945 $69.99 12 DVD SET: DEUTSCHE KURZFILME 1-12 (2013) $69.99 2 DVD SET: INFERNO IN EAST PRUSSIA, 1944 - 19... $26.99 2 DVD SET: THE SECRET WAR $19.99 2 DVD SET: ADOLF HITLERs BEST KNOWN SPEECHES $21.99 2 DVD SET: GERMAN PARATROOPERS IN ACTION (2013... $21.99 2 DVD SET: LIFE IN WWII FRANCE $24.99 < > Benutzer, die diesen Artikel gekauft haben, haben auch gekauft GERMAN ARMY TRAINING FILMS - PART II $9.99 POLITICAL FILMS OF THE REICH I – X * with swit... $79.99 2 DVD SET: THE PRIVATE FILMS OF EVA BRAUN (19... $29.99 CARL PETERS (1941) $9.99 3 DVD SET: AUSTRIA AND THE ANSCHLUSS 1938 (20... $35.49 FORCES OCCULTES - THE TRUTH BEHIND FREEMASONRY... $13.99 WWII GERMANY IN COLOR (PART III) $9.99 4 DVD SET: SOVIET WARTIME NEWSREELS 1-4 (20... $44.99 THE WAR IN THE ARCTIC $9.99 EAST PRUSSIA BEFORE THE CATASTROPHE (1930s) * w... $13.99 KOHLHIESELS TÖCHTER (Kohlhiesel's Daughters) (1... $13.99 GEHEIMNISSE EINER SEELE (Secrets of a Soul) (19... $9.99 HITLERs BUNKERS + BONUS FILM $9.99 JUNGENS (1941) $9.99 40 DVD SET: GERMAN WARTIME NEWSREELS 1-40 * w... $271.99 2 DVD SET: LIFE IN WWII FRANCE $24.99 WWII GERMANY IN COLOR + MÄNNER IM HINTERGRUND... $9.99 OHM KRÜGER (1941) * with switchable English s... $10.99 GERMAN ARMY TRAINING FILMS $11.49 DAS WERDEN DES HEERES (The Making of the Wehrma... $9.99 9 DVD SET: EUROPE IN FLAMES (1940-1942) HIGH Q... $89.99 6 CD SET: ENTERTAINING THE WEHRMACHT $39.99 4 CD SET: MARCHES OF THE WEHRMACHT $29.99 3 DVD SET: EUROPE IN RUINS (MAY-OCTOBER 1945) $25.99 2 CD SET: WWII GERMAN JAZZ FOR ENEMY LISTENERS... $16.99 < >