SKU 1596 Availability FORCES OCCULTES - THE TRUTH BEHIND FREEMASONRY (1943) * with hard-encoded English subtitles * Be the first to review this product $13.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews Forces occultes represents Vichy France's most determined effort at Nazi propaganda. The film depicts the rise of a young minister, who, to further his career, joins the French Freemasons. He subsequently starts to believe that, along with the Jews, they deliberately want to push France into a war against Germany. This is, of course, pure odious Vichy propaganda. After the liberation of France, screenwriter Jean Marquès-Rivière, producer Robert Muzard and director Paul Riche (real name Jean Mamy) were all severely punished for their overt collabaration with the Vichy government and the Nazis. On November 25th 1945, Muzard, also the director of the popular magazine "Ciné-Mondial", was condemned to 3 years imprisonment. Jean Marquès-Rivière, who had fled France, was condemned to death, national degradation (loss of civil rights as a French citizen); all his assets were also confiscated. Director, Jean Mamy (a.k.a Paul Riche), a journalist for the French fascist newspaper "Au pilori" and a fierce anti-Semite, was also condemned to death. He was shot by a firing squad at the Montrouge Fortress on March 29th 1949. THERE IS A NEWSREEL ALONG WITH THE FILM, JUST AS FRENCH AUDIENCES MIGHT HAVE SEEN WHEN THE MOVIE WAS FIRST SHOWN. DVD-R IS IN FRENCH WITH HARD-ENCODED ENGLISH SUBTITLES (except for the newsreel, which has switchable English subtitles) See sample for audio and video quality! LENGTH OF FEATURE FILM: 51 MINS LENGTH OF NEWSREEL: 17 MINS Be the first to review this product Related products DIE ROTHSCHILDS AKTIEN AUF WATERLOO (1940) **... $13.99 DER EWIGE JUDE (1940) *with switchable Englis... $17.99 JUD SÜß (1940) * with switchable English subt... $17.99 OBCHOD NA KORZE (THE SHOP ON MAIN STREET) (196... $9.99 THE THERESIENSTADT GHETTO $9.99 CARNIVAL IN FLANDERS (1935) * with switchable... $13.99 COEUR FIDELE (The Faithful Heart) (1923) * wit... $9.99 DER BETTLER VOM KÖLNER DOM (The Beggar of Colog... $15.99 DIE GROSSE ILLUSION ( The Grand Illusion) (1937... $13.99 GOLGOTHA (1935) * with switchable English subti... $14.99 J’ACCUSE (I accuse) (1938) * with switchable... $13.99 KAMERADSCHAFT (Comradeship) (1931) *with switc... $9.99 LA FIN DU MONDE (End of the World) (1931) * wit... $13.99 LA MARSEILLAISE (1938) * with switchable Engli... $13.99 LE TUNNEL (1933) * with switchable English su... $13.99 BACK STREETS OF PARIS (Macadam) (1946) * with... $13.99 LA BATAILLE DU RAIL (1946) * with switchable... $13.99 LA MAIN DU DIABLE (1943) / WITCHES HAMMER (... $13.99 LE CIEL EST A VOUS (The Woman Who Dared) (1944)... $13.99 LE CORBEAU (1943) + TOUCHEZ PAS AU GRISBI (1954) $9.99 LE ROMAN DE RENARD (The Tale of the Fox) (1941... $13.99 LE SILENCE DE LA MER (1949) * with switchable... $13.99 LES DAMES DU BOIS DE BOULOGNE (1945) * with sw... $13.99 THE IDIOT (L'Idiot) (1946) * with switchable... $13.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought PRIX DE BEAUTE (Miss Europe) (1930) * with swi... $13.99 OHM KRÜGER (1941) * with switchable English s... $10.99 JUD SÜß (1940) * with switchable English subt... $17.99 TRIUMPH DES WILLENS (TRIUMPH OF THE WILL) (19... $14.99 DER SIEG DES GLAUBENS (The Victory of the Fait... $13.99 DER EWIGE JUDE (1940) *with switchable Englis... $17.99 EAST PRUSSIA BEFORE THE CATASTROPHE (1930s) * w... $13.99 11 DVD SET: GERMAN PANORAMA 1933 - 1945 $69.99 3 DVD SET: WE THE GERMANS (GERMAN HISTORY UNTI... $24.99 ELISABETH VON OSTERREICH (1931) $10.99 LEINEN AUS IRLAND (Linen from Ireland) (1939)... $13.99 POLITICAL FILMS OF THE REICH I – X * with swit... $79.99 VLAD TEPES - THE STORY OF DRACULA (1979) * wi... $11.99 DIE LIEBE UND DIE ERSTE EISENBAHN (1934) *IMPRO... $9.99 A GIRL IN BLACK (To koritsi me ta mavra) (1956... $13.99 EIN BLONDER TRAUM (A Blonde Dream) (1932) *wi... $13.99 THE WAR IN THE ARCTIC $9.99 THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO (1934) $10.99 DER SOHN DER WEISSEN BERGE (The Son of the Whit... $13.99 TELEVISION IN WWII GERMANY + THE THIRD MAN (... $13.99 GERMAN ARMY TRAINING FILMS - PART II $9.99 GEHEIMNISSE EINER SEELE (Secrets of a Soul) (19... $9.99 JUNGENS (1941) $9.99 681 A.D. – THE GLORY OF THE KHAN (1984) * wi... $11.99 OBCHOD NA KORZE (THE SHOP ON MAIN STREET) (196... $9.99 < >