Marilyn David, sténographe, et Peter Dawes, journaliste de seconde zone, se retrouvent chaque jeudi soir, sur le banc d'un parc new-yorkais. Ils dissertent sur la vie, Peter ne la comparant qu'à un paquet de pop-corn, Marilyn espérant trouver l'âme sœur. Ce jeudi-là, après s'être séparés, Marilyn fait la connaissance, dans des circonstances houleuses, de Charles Gray, qui ne fait rien dans la vie. Elle veut le prendre sous son aile et l'aider à trouver un travail. De son côté, Peter est sommé par son patron de dénicher deux nobles anglais, voyageant incognito aux États-Unis. Dawes découvre les personnages en question: Lloyd Granton, duc de Loamshire, et son fils, qui n'est autre que Charles Gray, au surplus fiancé en Angleterre.
New York stenographer Marilyn David has become good friends with Peter Dawes, a newspaper reporter who takes the same subway as she does each morning. Peter is crazy about Marilyn, but she meets and has her eye on wealthy Englishman Charles Gray, and they fall in love. Charles is the son of Lloyd Granville, a titled British nobleman, which means Charles is rich, good looking, and minor royalty, tipping the scales in his favor. Charles proposes marriage to Marilyn, but after a sudden argument, she turns him down. Charles leaves town and Marilyn discovers he is a duke's son and already engaged. Marilyn confides in Peter, her platonic friend, who is ecstatic at this bit of news and publicizes her as the 'No Girl', the working girl who refused a chance to marry into monied nobility. So Marilyn is suddenly famous, and she cashes in on her sudden and unwelcome notoriety by becoming a cafe entertainer. In an unexpected way, she succeeds. Marilyn's fame causes Charles to take a second look at her; he asks her to reconsider, but Marilyn wonders if she might be better off with Peter after all. But can she decide between her two loves?